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Temporarily Averting Death By Cubicle

Photos: Jodhpur

INDIA | Tuesday, 16 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

Scenes from the blue city, the Jodhpur Fort and the Hindu and Jain temples in Ossian
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Tags: forts, jodhpur, rajasthan, temples

Photos: India - Amritsar and Dharamshala

INDIA | Sunday, 14 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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INDIA - Amritsar and Dharamshala

INDIA | Sunday, 14 Nov 2010 | Views [552]

We travelled by Sleeper Class on the train to Amritsar. There was no way to prevent cold air from entering the compartment; even with all the windows shut, we were freezing and very uncomfortable, so our room at the Grand opposite the Amritsar railway ... Read more >

Tags: amritsar, dharamshala, dhauladhars, dodgy train journeys, exhaustion, golden temple, indo-pak border closing ceremony, temples, trekking, wagah

Photos: India - Coimbatore, Haridwar, Rishikesh

INDIA | Wednesday, 10 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

Start of the India leg of our travels
See all 21 photos >>

Tags: chatt, coimbatore, diwali, festivals, fireworks, ghats, haridwar, india, prayer, rishikesh

INDIA - Coimbatore to Rishikesh and Haridwar

INDIA | Wednesday, 10 Nov 2010 | Views [904]

Our journey into India began in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, where we attended the wedding of my darling friend Veenaa. Like all Indian weddings it was a big celebration, with loud music, plenty of strange and comical rituals, lots of good food, and numerous ... Read more >

Tags: coimbatore, dodgy train journeys, exhaustion, fireworks, haridwar, india, places of worship, prayer, rishikesh, weddings

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

THAILAND | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My 5 photos were taken in September 2010 at the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand, where I volunteered for a week. The Park is a conservation project with the aim of saving the Asian elephant from extinction, providing a rescue centre and sanctuary for ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: #2010wnphoto, travel photography scholarship 2010

Photos: Elephant Nature Park 2 - Chiang Mai, Thailand

THAILAND | Tuesday, 31 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Elephant Nature Park - Chiang Mai, Thailand

THAILAND | Tuesday, 31 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

We spent a week volunteering at the Elephant Nature Park. It was such a wonderful experience, one to be repeated over and over!
See all 50 photos >>

Rantau Abang

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 27 Jul 2010 | Views [581]

I wrote this last week on the beach, but had to wait till we had internet access to post it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ It’s getting to that stage in our trip where I can no longer ... Read more >

Tags: i heart turtles, isolated beaches, no tourists, rantau abang

From Singapore onwards to Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Views [550] | Comments [1]

The first stop on the next leg of our trip was to be Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. I was very excited by the idea of going to Malaysia on the overnight train from Singapore as trains are one of my favourite modes of transportation. I never get bored ... Read more >

Tags: bats caves and guano, bugs beetles and butterflies up close, cameron highlands, dodgy train journeys, jungle treks, people at the kl train station are retarded, perhentian islands, taman negara, twin pines

From Bali to Singapore

INDONESIA | Saturday, 10 Jul 2010 | Views [602]

After 8 days of being on a boat, it took a day for our heads to catch up to the fact that we were back on dry land, and the ground was no longer moving below our feet. We spent two more days at Simpang Inn in Legian, roaming around, getting massages ... Read more >

Tags: ari house, bali, friendly people and places, kuta, legian, simpang inn

Photos: Komodo Liveaboard

INDONESIA | Monday, 5 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

Bali to Komodo
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Bali - Komodo Liveaboard

INDONESIA | Monday, 5 Jul 2010 | Views [1698]

We landed in Bali at 6:30 pm on Saturday evening (26th June) and tried to secure accommodation on Kuta Beach at the airport, as the place we had emailed the night before had not responded to us. The Bali high season (July to September) was almost ... Read more >

Tags: bali, komodo dragons, liveaboards, movies, mv queen scuba, random food cravings, scuba diving

White Water Rafting and the Niah Caves

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 26 Jun 2010 | Views [1154]

Once again apologies everyone for the lack of regular posts, since I know how you all hold your breaths in anticipation for my travel updates. Apologies also to anyone who is now dead, since the next couple of posts are about our activities from around ... Read more >

Tags: awesome caves, caving, i am deluded, miri, padas river, river junkie, sabah, sarawak, white water rafting, wierd couple behaviour

Photos: Niah Caves

MALAYSIA | Monday, 21 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

Miri, Sarawak
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Photos: Mount Kinabalu

MALAYSIA | Friday, 18 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

Pictures of Mount Kinabalu from Laban Rata
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Mount Kinabalu

MALAYSIA | Friday, 18 Jun 2010 | Views [1145]

Oh Gunung Kinabalu, you formidable foe. You almost killed me; you made my legs feel like lead weights, you battered my knees, you almost twisted my ankles by making my feet slip on wet, muddy planks and uneven rocks. But I fought back, gasping for air, ... Read more >

Tags: cheap movies, mountain climbing, pain, stupid decisions

Welcome to the Jungle

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 15 Jun 2010 | Views [867] | Comments [2]

It is now one week into our trip, and I haven't bathed in 3 days. Nice. Ok no, I don't have latent neanderthal tendencies; this is because we spent the last three days hamming it up deep in the Borneo rainforest. From Semporna, we made our way to ... Read more >

Tags: crocodiles seem scary but are apparently very shy, jungles, not showering for days, river safaris, sungei kinabatangan, sunrise, sunsets, uncle tans wildlife adventures

Photos: Sungei Kinabatangan

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 15 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

Uncle Tan's Wildlife Adventures
See all 30 photos >>

Tags: jungles, river safari, sungei kinabatangan, uncle tans wildlife adventures

Semporna and Scuba Diving in Mabul

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 15 Jun 2010 | Views [1185]

The bus journey from KK to Semporna turned out to be more eventful than I thought it would be; we were told that the trip would take around 10 hours so we decided to take the bus that leaves KK at 7:30 pm. The hostel reserved seats for us earlier in ... Read more >

Tags: awesome sunrise, dragons inn, freezing to death, i heart turtles, long bus rides, mabul, scuba diving, scuba junkie, semporna, suicidal bus drivers

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