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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "exhaustion".

INDIA - Amritsar and Dharamshala

INDIA | Sunday, 14 Nov 2010 | Views [551]

We travelled by Sleeper Class on the train to Amritsar. There was no way to prevent cold air from entering the compartment; even with all the windows shut, we were freezing and very uncomfortable, so our room at the Grand opposite the Amritsar railway ... Read more >

Tags: amritsar, dharamshala, dhauladhars, dodgy train journeys, exhaustion, golden temple, indo-pak border closing ceremony, temples, trekking, wagah

INDIA - Coimbatore to Rishikesh and Haridwar

INDIA | Wednesday, 10 Nov 2010 | Views [903]

Our journey into India began in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, where we attended the wedding of my darling friend Veenaa. Like all Indian weddings it was a big celebration, with loud music, plenty of strange and comical rituals, lots of good food, and numerous ... Read more >

Tags: coimbatore, dodgy train journeys, exhaustion, fireworks, haridwar, india, places of worship, prayer, rishikesh, weddings

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