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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "dodgy train journeys".

INDIA - Amritsar and Dharamshala

INDIA | Sunday, 14 Nov 2010 | Views [552]

We travelled by Sleeper Class on the train to Amritsar. There was no way to prevent cold air from entering the compartment; even with all the windows shut, we were freezing and very uncomfortable, so our room at the Grand opposite the Amritsar railway ... Read more >

Tags: amritsar, dharamshala, dhauladhars, dodgy train journeys, exhaustion, golden temple, indo-pak border closing ceremony, temples, trekking, wagah

INDIA - Coimbatore to Rishikesh and Haridwar

INDIA | Wednesday, 10 Nov 2010 | Views [904]

Our journey into India began in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, where we attended the wedding of my darling friend Veenaa. Like all Indian weddings it was a big celebration, with loud music, plenty of strange and comical rituals, lots of good food, and numerous ... Read more >

Tags: coimbatore, dodgy train journeys, exhaustion, fireworks, haridwar, india, places of worship, prayer, rishikesh, weddings

From Singapore onwards to Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Views [550] | Comments [1]

The first stop on the next leg of our trip was to be Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. I was very excited by the idea of going to Malaysia on the overnight train from Singapore as trains are one of my favourite modes of transportation. I never get bored ... Read more >

Tags: bats caves and guano, bugs beetles and butterflies up close, cameron highlands, dodgy train journeys, jungle treks, people at the kl train station are retarded, perhentian islands, taman negara, twin pines

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