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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "i heart turtles".

Rantau Abang

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 27 Jul 2010 | Views [580]

I wrote this last week on the beach, but had to wait till we had internet access to post it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ It’s getting to that stage in our trip where I can no longer ... Read more >

Tags: i heart turtles, isolated beaches, no tourists, rantau abang

Semporna and Scuba Diving in Mabul

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 15 Jun 2010 | Views [1185]

The bus journey from KK to Semporna turned out to be more eventful than I thought it would be; we were told that the trip would take around 10 hours so we decided to take the bus that leaves KK at 7:30 pm. The hostel reserved seats for us earlier in ... Read more >

Tags: awesome sunrise, dragons inn, freezing to death, i heart turtles, long bus rides, mabul, scuba diving, scuba junkie, semporna, suicidal bus drivers

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