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Inaccessible Myanmar Myanmar round trip April 2011


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Photos: Ngapali

Wednesday, 20 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Around the Inle lake during the Water festival

Saturday, 16 Apr 2011 | Views [749]

Got enough laying in the bed just after sunrise. It wasn´t like I was sleeping or something with all the stuff going on. By now the 600+ herons outside our bungalow started to yell aswell so I checked some photo opportunities. Some local fishermen ... Read more >

Tags: jumping cats pagoda, longnecks, shwe inn tain

Photos: Inle Lake

Saturday, 16 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Arriving at Inle Lake – a highly vocal religious experience

Friday, 15 Apr 2011 | Views [692]

Early start and off to Inle lake we flew. The company: Air Mandalay! Two jumps 30 minutes each with a stop in Mandalay. The catering company supplied the Chicken tuna sandwich – a classic number two! NO CHICKEN SANDWITCH! FAKK! I preferred that. ... Read more >

Tags: golden cottages ii, inle lake, thale u

Last day watching the beautiful temples in Bagan

Thursday, 14 Apr 2011 | Views [948]

“Early start” since that is our last day among the wonderful Bagan temples. Today we actually started early to catch the sunrise over the plain but it wasn´t rally much to see.   Maybe because the haze during the dry period made the horizon...duuuh.... Read more >

Tags: bagan, minkaba

Photos: Bagan

Thursday, 14 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

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On single speed bike around Bagain temples in baking hot sun

Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011 | Views [634]

Me and my single speed bike! Woke up before 07:00 to get some pics of the sunrise over the Bagan plain. We didn´t really managed to leave the hotel before 07:30 so it was a bit too late for taking pics. No problem. I´m a kick ass photographer ... Read more >

Tags: bagain, minkaba, new bagain

A jourey back in time - a slow horse cart temple jumping day

Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011 | Views [835]

Right, a day on a horse cart. The cart had only one axle, so the ride was doomed to be a bit like riding on a camel. The horse was a bit small and thin but never the less happy and agile. The start was early, 07:30 and the price: 17 000 Kyat. ... Read more >

Tags: abeyadama, ananda ok kyaung, ananda temple, dhammayamgyi, gubyaukkyi, mamuha, nampaya, nat ta village monastery, ngagayam, sulammami

Chronologial temple hunting day on the Bagan plain with a local guide

Monday, 11 Apr 2011 | Views [1221]

The TEMPLE HUNTING DAY! The guide picked us up quite early, before it got hot. And hot it would become, +42C! We agreed on the itenary: ·          Bulethi pagoda ·          Nyaung Oo market ·          Shwe Zi Gon ... Read more >

Tags: anauk phaw saw village, bulethi pagoda, golden myanmar restaurant, gu byauk kyi temple, hti lo min lo temple, nyaung oo market, pha ya thon zu temple, shwe zi gon pagoda, ta yoke pyay, wet kyi inn village

Shin Lu Soe Gyi at the Tarabha gate in Old Bagan

Sunday, 10 Apr 2011 | Views [2768]

Our last day in Mandalay. We packed our stuff and didn´t even had the energy to swim in the pool. We were supposed to be picked up at 11:00 by our driver so we finished the stash of beers and sat on the sofas and watched the Mandalay hill. Thanking ... Read more >

Tags: bu paya, old bagan, shin lu soe gyi, tarabha gate

Photos: Mandalay

Saturday, 9 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Botanical gardens in Pyu In Oo - old British hill station

Saturday, 9 Apr 2011 | Views [1208]

We wanted to get out of Mandalay for a day. It´s not the best looking city in the world. On top of that, it was very hot and noisy. Also some strange wind blew in last evening and covered everything in fine red dust. So we read about those botanical ... Read more >

Tags: botanical gardens, feel restaurant, gold triangle cafe, pyu in oo

Mandalay Hill and the sites around.

Friday, 8 Apr 2011 | Views [836]

Lazy breakfast ended with us being invited t a wedding ceremony. called barmitzwa for a strange reason. I´m not jewish but hey, a wedding isn´t really a barmitzwa, is it? We felt a bit underdressed while all the ladies wore the traditional silk dresses ... Read more >

Tags: ko´s thai restaurant, kuthodaw paya, mandalay hill, sandamuni paya, shwenandaw kyaung

Boat ride to Mingun, Sagaing and car to U Bein in Aramapura

Thursday, 7 Apr 2011 | Views [1238]

Early morning, quick breakfast of the Mo Hin Ka soup, special spelling, and off we go. Soup at Kandawgyi was much better and served with boiled eggs but the buffet was impressive nevertheless. Off to the chartered boat at the jetty. Mrs Evil was ... Read more >

Tags: aramapura, cave buddha, golden duck restaurant, irrawady boat cruise, mingun, sagaing, ubein bridge

First noisy encounter with Mandalay

Wednesday, 6 Apr 2011 | Views [957]

Left Yangon early...like 11:00 :) . The hotel had some hot water tank maintenance scheduled and it resulted in a flood of old sewer water spill outside the lobby. The staff cleaned it up quickly but the staff sprayed 11 cans of Breeze in the ... Read more >

Tags: mandalay, tu tu restaurant

Photos: Yangon

Tuesday, 5 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Last lazy day in Yangon

Tuesday, 5 Apr 2011 | Views [707]

Woke up at 06:00 to sounds of a disco? WTF! No, it was the busy Kandawgyi lake walk with a sound system full on. The walk was filled with walking/running "local people" as our guide used to say. At 07:15 new batch of the fat/less fat/well ... Read more >

Tags: 19th street, dagon shopping mall, kandawgyi lake walk, yangon

Yangon round with a 90 USD guide

Monday, 4 Apr 2011 | Views [3226]

The breakfast buffet at the Kandawgyi Palace Hotel was out of this world. Local Myanmar specialties, Chinese buffet with all kinds of food, Indian dishes, a fruit buffet, a pastry section that could feed an elephant and two chefs standing by to fry omelettes ... Read more >

Tags: china town, jade shop, kaba aye pagoda, monestary and nunnary, recling buddha image - chaukhtatgyi paya, shwedigon pagoda, st anna church, the bigt marble buddha image, white elephant, yangon

Finally in Yangon, the first day in Myanmar

Sunday, 3 Apr 2011 | Views [1074]

Fog. A simple phenomenon that stops aircrafts from landing. It shouldn’t really with all the Doppler radars, auto pilots and all the other high tech crap we invent daily but here we are. Stranded for 1,5 hours, waiting on the Bangkok airport concrete ... Read more >

Tags: bagyoke, chin atown, golden duck, myanmar, walking tour, yangon



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