We are at the moment both in Adelaide. Alister is still at work while Anna has just finished her job.
Last week we flew to Melbourne for our US visa interview. It turned out to be a good opportunity to catch up with Alisters brother Rob and girlfriend Mel, and also ride the Otwan Odyssey. Mel is 5 star chef and loaded us with carbs for the race.
The interview was our first experience with US customs, and even though the wait was long (3 hours…) and we managed to get ourselves stressed during that time by thinking about what kind of interrogation would be ahead, the actual interview lasted a whole 2 minutes…The passports including visa were on the doormat before we got back to Adelaide!
Tickets have been booked; Alister will fly from Adelaide on the 6th of may, and Anna will leave on the same day from Amsterdam.
It’s a lot of fun preparing for the ride. To save money we are living in a small flat in the backyard of a friends place. The room is one big mess with our clothes and gear in boxes. To get from one end to the other, bikes have to be manouvred around. Lonely planets, maps of Alaska, Canada and the Great Divide trail and Spanish language courses are on the floor. We’re in discussion with a few possible sponsors. So it’s all happening!
For more information please visit our website at www.thefuegoproject.com