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The Wright Journey This is a travel jounal, written by me sophie. I leave on my travels for 8 and a half months and return mid august.. im hitting Hong Kong, Australia, Fiji, Chille, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. Il be working whilst in Oz and when I am in Mexico for three months I will be teaching English to primary school children and helping with sport and other extra curricular activities. Il be based in a village on the west coast, that is only accesible by boat- Talk about throwing myself in at the deep end!! It will be an experience and one I am sharing with my best buddy- Daisy Dixon! Whom many of you know- We are two peas in a pod and I cant wait to go on this wodnerful adventure, full of fun, laughter, danger, excitement, fear and much much more. Enjoy... ALL MY LOVE...MISSING U ALL. X Sophie


MEXICO | Thursday, 7 June 2007 | Views [618]

It has been a really hectic last few weeks, I have just come back from a really amazing holiday with the Dixons.


They arrived at the village and met everyone, it was really surreal and I think all the kids got very over excited, especially as Annabel and Jonathan had brought loads of pens, pencils, colours, etc. We went on a trip to see the cows which was also weird having Daisys parents in the back of the cattle truck along with the whole family!! After all the excitement of the arrival of “Padres de Daisy”, we took a well needed week off.


We went to an amazing eco hotel near here, they lit candles all around the resort at night. It was on a estuary, so to get to the beach you had to row over to the beach and pool, I rowed over…getting daisy wet!!


Went to the copper canyon, took a train through the canyon, lots of cacti, waterfalls, bridges etc….fantastic views!! The best was the view from our hotel, the hotel was on the top of the canyon, looking down….so vast and much bigger than the grand canyon!! However train was very steamy and hot…and we were falling about all over the place!! Finally stayed in beautiful hotel in El Fuete, where Zorro was born (we heard the whip crack at night…zorros ghost…joking)…. Not sure if this is actually true..as dad…you say he was born in California (I think different).


Village is great fun…have had to put up with few problems, Yosari, a very naughty little girl attempted to help with the washing of our clothes( in the outdoor basin, yes we do have to scrub our clothes) and daisys top seems to have miraculously disappeared!!


The kids in the primary school have gone a little mad…and hyper…at the end of every class they demand me to sign my name on their arms…and if I don’t I get chased all the way home (puzzling).


One really naughty boy called Aron has been allowed to come back to class after a severe talking to from his parents. The second class that were really bad now seemed to have turned over a new leaf and are trying to learn(most of the time)!


We went to a chariade in the next door village, all the cowboys are being bucked around by the biggest bulls, its so scary. As soon as they are off,  other cowboys jump into the ring to catch the bull, but most of the time the steaming, stamping bull charges at them and they have to jump up the railings…adrenaline rush I think!!


A common event has been the regular slaughtering of cows outside our house. One morning I woke up, ventured to the toilet (which is outside) only to walk into a butchers shop, meat hanging everywhere, the chainsaw slicing through bones, people queuing up for their meat, and Alberto covered in blood and veins chopping up meat. As if that wasn’t enough outside our window, the stomach was sliced open and the contents (grass) tipped out (stinking), and when we left for school the skin was being pinned up to dry and the skull was lying there covered in blood!! Im sure if I wasn’t here and to eat meat was necessary I would be a vegetarian by now!!


A shocking family event has been that the daughter Viviana came back last weekend with a boy, (that no one had met, the parents didn’t even know she had a boyfriend) and announced that she had just got married in Tijuana!! Esther and Alberto are shocked, and Hunberto doesn't like him at all. Its all rather tense around the house….but she seems to be happy!! I forgot to mention, she is my age 19!! Talking of doing this yound here, a girl on the bus the other day asked me if I had a baby, I said that I was too young, and she was shocked that most people in England don’t get married or have kids until late 20s (with some exceptions).


The time has gone so quickly here, only another 4 weeks left, and I think I will be sad to leave….everyone here is so friendly and I really have got lots of favourite kids…who Im going to miss!! After being away with Annabel and Jonathan, I must admit I couldn’t wait to come back and see everyone and have a laugh with all the pupils, perhaps not Yosari, as she is far to cheeky!!


Home soon x x

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