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The Wright Journey This is a travel jounal, written by me sophie. I leave on my travels for 8 and a half months and return mid august.. im hitting Hong Kong, Australia, Fiji, Chille, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. Il be working whilst in Oz and when I am in Mexico for three months I will be teaching English to primary school children and helping with sport and other extra curricular activities. Il be based in a village on the west coast, that is only accesible by boat- Talk about throwing myself in at the deep end!! It will be an experience and one I am sharing with my best buddy- Daisy Dixon! Whom many of you know- We are two peas in a pod and I cant wait to go on this wodnerful adventure, full of fun, laughter, danger, excitement, fear and much much more. Enjoy... ALL MY LOVE...MISSING U ALL. X Sophie


There are [127] photos and [3] stories about Peru

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Gallery: The Incas

Wednesday, 11 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Machu Picchu

Wednesday, 11 Apr 2007 | Views [798]

The Inca Trail We were very nervous to begin with having been told..how hard it is and how unbearable day two is etc etc.. and being very unfit..having being lying on beaches for three months...we were very worried However...it was not that bad at ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: Cuzco

Tuesday, 3 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 48 photos >>



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