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The Wright Journey This is a travel jounal, written by me sophie. I leave on my travels for 8 and a half months and return mid august.. im hitting Hong Kong, Australia, Fiji, Chille, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. Il be working whilst in Oz and when I am in Mexico for three months I will be teaching English to primary school children and helping with sport and other extra curricular activities. Il be based in a village on the west coast, that is only accesible by boat- Talk about throwing myself in at the deep end!! It will be an experience and one I am sharing with my best buddy- Daisy Dixon! Whom many of you know- We are two peas in a pod and I cant wait to go on this wodnerful adventure, full of fun, laughter, danger, excitement, fear and much much more. Enjoy... ALL MY LOVE...MISSING U ALL. X Sophie


There are [127] photos and [5] stories about Mexico

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Gallery: pisotoa school trip

Saturday, 30 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Thursday, 7 Jun 2007 | Views [606]

It has been a really hectic last few weeks, I have just come back from a really amazing holiday with the Dixons.   They arrived at the village and met everyone, it was really surreal and I think all the kids got very over excited, ... Read more >

Tags: People

Gallery: Mexico Ixlan

Monday, 30 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Week 1 complete...

Tuesday, 24 Apr 2007 | Views [620]

What a week, Whoever thought that rice pudding for dinner would have been a treat...followed by quesadias and refried beans!! Or that cold macaroni with frankfurters and shredded pork fat could have been delecious!! We are being fed...its all pretty ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


Tuesday, 17 Apr 2007 | Views [595] | Comments [2]

Well im in my little village in the middle of nowhere...and oh my gosh is all i can say arrived...my spanish is still not good but i understand a lot more than I can say. Our room is really quite nice...we have double beds, but there is a cow skin hanging ... Read more >

Tags: People



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