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The Wright Journey This is a travel jounal, written by me sophie. I leave on my travels for 8 and a half months and return mid august.. im hitting Hong Kong, Australia, Fiji, Chille, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. Il be working whilst in Oz and when I am in Mexico for three months I will be teaching English to primary school children and helping with sport and other extra curricular activities. Il be based in a village on the west coast, that is only accesible by boat- Talk about throwing myself in at the deep end!! It will be an experience and one I am sharing with my best buddy- Daisy Dixon! Whom many of you know- We are two peas in a pod and I cant wait to go on this wodnerful adventure, full of fun, laughter, danger, excitement, fear and much much more. Enjoy... ALL MY LOVE...MISSING U ALL. X Sophie


There are [167] photos and [6] stories about Australia

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Gallery: Whitsunday Islands

Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Ayers rock

Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 58 photos >>

Ayers Rock (Uluru) and Cairns

Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007 | Views [1593] | Comments [2]

After finally arriving in Cairns a week late, we felt we deserved a little good luck! The weather was fantastic and we were staying in luxury hostel, complete with gorgeous pool, with waterfall, huge room with double beds and very clean! As the weather ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures


Friday, 2 Feb 2007 | Views [592]

hello everyone!! Just got off a boat in the whitsunday islands!! Basically it was supposed to be wicked sailing around all the amzing islands....but unfortuneately the weather has been horrendous!! We had sheet rain for three days straight and leaks ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


Wednesday, 17 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

Christmas/New Year/Zoo
See all 89 photos >>

Christmas/New Year

Wednesday, 17 Jan 2007 | Views [924] | Comments [3]

G day guys!! How ya doin? jokes i dont really speak like that!! Ive been putting all the photos on facebook and stuff and sending u little individual messages to show how much i miss u all but this is just to say all the crazy stuff ive been up to in ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine



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