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Pemba and Zanzibar

TANZANIA | Sunday, 2 Jun 2013 | Views [1474]

Hello again, So we gave up our plan of crossing Tanzania by 48hr train, to get a crowded local bus for 6 hours and an extortionate taxi to relax on lake Tanganyika for 2 days and then cross into Malawi and Zambia before coming back by taxi/bus/train/camel/bicycle! ... Read more >

Photos: Pemba and zanzibar

TANZANIA | Saturday, 1 Jun 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Tanzania Safari

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 14 May 2013 | Views [753]

Hello   After about 5 leaving do’s including a lovely one at my bosses house we finally left Rwanda! Crossing the border was fairly pain free apart from Simon having a small digestive incident and we made our way to Mwanza on the shore ... Read more >

Farewell Rwanda

RWANDA | Tuesday, 30 Apr 2013 | Views [313]

Farewell Rwanda Tomorrow is our last day at work and we set off for Tanzania on Thursday! I can’t believe how quickly our time has whizzed by in Rwanda, I guess it is the routine of work in an office. I think working in Rwanda is what I expected ... Read more >

Climbing Bisoke

RWANDA | Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013 | Views [459]

Last week was a nice week, with the memorial finished things seemed to lift a little. We went to two leaving do’s one of a couple of fellow volunteers who were returning to the UK and another  of a giant Congolese man who was leaving one of ... Read more >

A quiet week in Kigali

RWANDA | Sunday, 14 Apr 2013 | Views [478]

So this week we have mainly been doing this.....   This week has been genocide memorial week in Rwanda so has been a very quite week for us and has coincided with no power almost every evening this week so we have been spening alot of ... Read more >

Life in Rwanda

RWANDA | Monday, 8 Apr 2013 | Views [541]

Work in Rwanda, week 2 We have now finished week 2 of our work in Rwanda. This week has been good, with a bit of work in the office and a trip to volcanoes national park to carry out a survey with the beekeepers there. The park was very beautiful, ... Read more >

Photos: Kigali, Gisenyi and volcanoes

RWANDA | Monday, 8 Apr 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Goodbye Uganda, Hello Rwanda

RWANDA | Thursday, 28 Mar 2013 | Views [657] | Comments [4]

Okay, So when we last sent a blog we were in Uganda and now we are in Rwanda! Its a long story but I will try to not make it boring. Half of our time in Uganda was to be spent in Bwindi Forest and the other half in Entebbe (just next to the capital ... Read more >

Photos: goodbye Uganda, hello Rwanda

RWANDA | Thursday, 28 Mar 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Bunyonyi and Queen Elisabeth Safari

UGANDA | Wednesday, 27 Feb 2013 | Views [1021]

Hi Everyone,   We are just back from our weeks holiday and had a great time. As you could probably tell from our last blog we were a little in need of a break and the week off came just in time. Work had been a bit frustrating in the previous ... Read more >

Photos: Byunyoni and Queen Elizabeth

UGANDA | Wednesday, 27 Feb 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Off on our hols!

UGANDA | Saturday, 16 Feb 2013 | Views [443] | Comments [1]

Good evening from Uganda! We have just finished another working week! A tough Friday, 3 meetings and a ride on the back of a boda-boda? We’ve now finished and are relaxing for the evening with a Nile special (beer), we are off tomorrow for ... Read more >

Kyogo and Congo

UGANDA | Saturday, 9 Feb 2013 | Views [400]

Hello   So after the excitement of seeing the gorillas this week has been a little more chilled out. I have spent time around the camp here with the odd visit for a nice beverage at one of the fancy lodges and also a run up there, on which ... Read more >

Photos: Nutrition survey and congo

UGANDA | Saturday, 9 Feb 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Gorillas in the mist

UGANDA | Sunday, 3 Feb 2013 | Views [1162] | Comments [1]

Hello We have had a busy week this week. I spent Wednesday in the lab poking around with Gorilla poo to see if there were any parasites, which was fun. Saw a few different parasites and got to wear a fancy Jacket and mask which was cool. We ... Read more >

Photos: Gorillas

UGANDA | Sunday, 3 Feb 2013 | Photo Gallery

gorillas in Bwindi
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Weekend In Bwindi

UGANDA | Sunday, 27 Jan 2013 | Views [563] | Comments [1]

Hey All, So, we have been here a week now and starting to settle into a routine. Up at 8am woken by the sounds of insects and birds. Wander through a forest path to the dining hut and wait for our eggs on taost. This gives the water just enough time ... Read more >

Bwindi Impenetrable forest

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 23 Jan 2013 | Views [462]

Hello   We have finally arrived in the jungle hurray! After a hideous 14 hr bus journey, in which the bus stopped about every 100 meters for the last 5 hrs, we finally arrived in Buhoma vllage, Bwindi. After we had got over the trauma of ... Read more >

Weekend at the Zoo

UGANDA | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2013 | Views [620] | Comments [2]

  Hello We are back from our adventures at the zoo! We ha a fun weekend staying amongst all the animlas and even got to naming a few (below is a picture of brian the otter who lived with Sheila, next to the shoe bill, eric!). It was an exciting ... Read more >

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