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One night in Argentina!

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 25 February 2012 | Views [401]

Hola! So, spent the last few days on ALOT of buses.... On, off, on, off and one long long trip that I would like to forget from Rio to Foz du Igazu..... It was Supposed to be 22 hours I think? But was more like 26.... That was mistake No 1, mistake No 2 was only booking conventional seats, although they were near the front (and away from the progressively pungent loo) they were not the fancy pants seats with free wifi and seats that turn into beds..... Also, for some Brazillian reason I know nothing of, we were asked to change buses three times at ungodly hours.... But hey, that's travelin folks! The up side was where we ended up. The falls from the Brazilian side are nothing short of spectacular! The sheer force of the water and the sound is something I will never forget.


Then it was off to the Argentinian side.  Brazil delivered one last punch and country took its time (and some of all of our energy) trying to cross the border via local buses..... Interesting to say the least, and slightly frightning to Chis who only barely missed out on a strip search. As we cleared the border our bus (or ANY bus) was no  where to be seen, but a lovely Argentinian lady picked us up and drive us to the Argentinian border! Phew! We'd cleared it! Off to shower at a lovely hotel! And bed! How I missed the!


Now if spectacular wasn't a big enough word for the fls in Brazil, then the Argentinia side was Supercalafragisticexpealadocious! Friggen awesome! We all got drenched on a boat that took us under the falls but it was sooooo amazing almost spirtual, though none of us looked Angelic by any stretch of the imagination getting off the boat....


Thank god for sunshine when your undies and bra are wet in public (and I do believe that's story No2 about wet undergarments!!!!!)


And yeah! After jut one night in Argentina, we said goodbye to the wonderful Miss B, she bused out for Buenos Aires, whilst Chis and I made it back over the Brazil border (with ease this time) and are about to catch bus no 3166 to Paraguay! The land of????! Not sure yet! Will let you know!


Love and light S  



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