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Trutt's Travels


There are [4] photos and [11] stories about Malaysia

Keep up Troy!

Thursday, 19 Jul 2018 | Views [604] | Comments [1]

I'm the worst blogger ever!  I need to make more of an effort and give more details as my memory is terrible. So....to summise; 1)  Flew back to UK for a week for Nicky and Rachel's wedding - amaaazing! 2)  Half-term trip to Koh ... Read more >

Ipoh Fun!

Monday, 26 Mar 2018 | Views [726]

A couple of hours north of KL lies the city of Ipoh.  I was reliably informed it is known for its beansprouts, which quite frankly did not sound that appealing.  I eat my words (well beansprouts), they are delicious.  Juicy and full of ... Read more >

Tags: architecture, beansprouts, colonial, food, ipoh, tourist

Gong Xi Fa Cai! (Happy Chinese New Year)

Wednesday, 21 Feb 2018 | Views [776] | Comments [1]

Helloooooo! It has been ages since I have updated my blog - sorry!  So much has happened and I will attempt to let you know my latest escapades without boring you too much!   So we all returned safely from Port Dickson after a fun ... Read more >

Tags: chinese new year, christmas, fun, holiday, malaysia, school, uk, vietnam, wedding

Camp - Fairthorne Flashbacks!

Monday, 20 Nov 2017 | Views [802]

So I am off to camp tomorrow (Port Dickson) for three days.  Now it does seem like a hotel with a pool and not quite a YMCA so all good...I just need to make sure there are no wasp nests nearby!  I am glad that there is raft building on the ... Read more >

Tags: camp, port dickson, school

Weekend Jaunt in Thailand

Sunday, 19 Nov 2017 | Views [939]

So last weekend I flew to Thailand, as you do.  I went to the island of Phuket for two days, which is only 1hr 30mins by plane (50 GBP - bargain!)  I met up with my friend Xavier from London who is travelling around South-East Asia.  We ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, phi phi, phuket, snorkelling, thailand


Tuesday, 14 Nov 2017 | Views [594]

I must update this more regularly! Soooo it was Deepavali (Diwali) half-term back in October and I took myself off to Vietnam for a week.  I met up with my mate Pedro (Pete) in Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon and we explored the city.  I LOVE HCM! ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, phu quoc, vietnam


Thursday, 5 Oct 2017 | Views [1056] | Comments [1]

Hello!  Well it was a strange birthday - not used to celebrating without all my lovely friends...certainly missed you all!  It's not a Troy Rutt birthday without me announcing it at least 3 months in advance, then a month, and a weekly update.... Read more >

Tags: birthday, christmas, holday, school, vietnam


Monday, 25 Sep 2017 | Views [508] | Comments [1]

So just back from another long weekend lol - I do love the number of public holidays in Malaysia! An hours flight and we were on the island of Langkawi (me and the other teachers).   Not amazing weather sadly but warm as always and beautiful ... Read more >

Photos: Ara Green Residences

Tuesday, 19 Sep 2017 | Photo Gallery

My Malaysian Home!
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Absent Blogger

Monday, 11 Sep 2017 | Views [981]

Hellooooooooo! I've finally managed to get hold of some internet time at school to update my blog...being connected at home on Thursday (fingers crossed). So much to report so I will probably forget some things. I have a place to live!  ... Read more >

Tags: food, malaysia, new life, school, tourist

Photos: Eve Suites

Tuesday, 15 Aug 2017 | Photo Gallery

Potential New KL Home! First viewing hopefully when I get there - keep your fingers crossed!
See all 3 photos >>



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