Night Safari
SINGAPORE | Friday, 29 February 2008 | Views [642]
Last night we went to Singapore Zoo again this time to do a Night Safari. It was incredible. he highlight of our trip so far. To see so many animals in the nocturnal state was something I will probably never see again. We saw Lions, Rhinos, Leopards Tigers, Deers, Otters, and a whole bunch of other cats and other animals we had never heard of. We walked through the rainforest and at every turn if you kept your eyes peeled you would see another fascinating creature. People say Sinagpore is boring but if you delve benaeth the surface its actually a really interesting place to visit. We are off to do a walking tour of the dens of eniquity, brothels and darker side of the old days of china town tonight. Tomorrow HANOI...
Tags: Sightseeing