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There are [77] photos and [11] stories about India

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Gallery: India

Tuesday, 28 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Namaste India

Saturday, 25 Oct 2008 | Views [678] | Comments [5]

Things seem different when you are homeward bound. The overnight train back to Delhi from Bikkaner felt like an old friend. I was prepared for a crap sleep and the disruption of passengers coming and going through the night. We arrived back into ... Read more >

Dreams of A/C

Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [591]

It's the last morning of our camel safari and whislt we've all enjoyed the desert trek , we are all pleased there is only a few hours to go. I ride side saddle for most of it, to give my bum and thighs a rest. Our journey ends in a small town called ... Read more >

Through the desert we go

Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [777]

Day 2 of camel riding, the bum is sore, but Im ready to get back in the saddle. Dolly is a bit grumpy this morning and puts on quite a performance as I get on board.   It gets hot very quickly and a couple of hours into our ride, I'm ready to get off! ... Read more >

Camel Safari

Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [632] | Comments [1]

Now it's time for us to relax. The camels are arriving and there is a mixture of excitement and trepidation amongst the group. We all want a camel ride, but will our bums cope? What will it be like riding in such intense heat? We get a quick camel ... Read more >

Project: Day 3 ....and Tea with the Raj!

Wednesday, 22 Oct 2008 | Views [569]

I can't talk. I have woken up with no voice, my worst fear is realised! Not even the steamy tea helps. I whisper to Trent over breakfast that i can't talk and he looks horrified...what about his narrator!? I shrug and hope that as the day warms up.... Read more >

Project : Day 2

Tuesday, 21 Oct 2008 | Views [557]

I wake up with a very sore throat and chest, and fear I am getting a chest infection. Great. I didn't think to bring any antibiotics, even though every time I get run down...I get a chest infection. I'm also concerned about my voice which is bit croaky, ... Read more >

The Community Project Begins.

Monday, 20 Oct 2008 | Views [879]

We were all excited about the first day of our community project, repairing the Jambha Village school. It was a 10 minute walk from camp, even at 8am, the sun was hot and we were all anxious about working in the severe heat. The school was empty when ... Read more >

Meeting with the Raj

Sunday, 19 Oct 2008 | Views [619]

The 12 hour train journey from Delhi to Phalodi had blown out to a 16 hour journey. We were travelling in a 2nd class sleeper carriage which was comfortable enough but made for a very interrupted sleep. We were also very hungry having survived on nuts ... Read more >

First Encounters of the Cultural Divide

Saturday, 18 Oct 2008 | Views [600]

Lying awake I pondered the troublesome question: "If you're not actually asleep, but lying quietly and resting, does it count as sleep? Can you include it when you say how may hours you slept?" I've never been able to answer that one. After ... Read more >

Touchdown in Delhi

Friday, 17 Oct 2008 | Views [902]

My culture shock lay dormant as I arrived at Delhi airport at 2.30am. Perhaps it was the early hour that thwarted my expectations of a 'riot' - a vision handed to me by my husband who travelled to India when he was 21 (first time out of Glasgow!). ... Read more >

Tags: culture shock, delhi, positive footprints, the connaught, travel scholarships



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