FRANCE | Tuesday, 1 May 2007 | Views [330]
Place de la Concorde as quite a bit of History associated with it. It used to be named place de Louis XV, but then the revolution happened and it was changed to place de la revolution and held the guillotine. I think it used to get pretty bloody. After that was all over they changed it to plce de la concorde. Place de la concorde also keeps a big obelisk (like in this picture) that was given to France by Egypt in 18 something. We couldn't figure out why. I guess Egypt just wanted to show it liked France. They're friends, apparently. Also, Place de la concorde is right in the middle of evertyhing important. It is on the "historical axis" which is basically a straight line of important things starting at the Louvre, then Place de la concorde and the national assembly building (the Palais Bourbon), Champs Elysee, L'arc de Triomphe, and La Defense (the new arc in the business sector).