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Shake'n it Up

Do I Look Like a New Yoowkeh?

USA | Friday, 10 Jul 2009 | Views [877]

At least once a day I am approached by tourists on the streets, in the parks and on the trains inquiring about directions. I'm still caught a bit off guard that they're asking me, a 5'1 girl fresh from the northwest region of the country, who is ... Read more >

A Gallery of Art. One Mile Long.

USA | Friday, 10 Jul 2009 | Views [401]

Today's exhibit, graffiti. Street art is a common occurrence in New York City and it's something that's clearly lacking in Portland. Sure, gangs will tag brick walls and dilapidated buildings with their colors and cryptic letters, but there's so ... Read more >

Buckle Up, Rev the Engine and Hold On Tight

HONG KONG | Friday, 17 Apr 2009 | Views [713] | Comments [2]

If you're looking for something to spend your tax rebate on this year, please consider The Beverly Hills, a condo community overlooking the Tai Po Coast in Hong Kong. It's your ticket to unlimited access to a race-car track just a hop, ... Read more >

Singapore: Rules are Made to be Broken.

SINGAPORE | Tuesday, 14 Apr 2009 | Views [577] | Comments [1]

If you're feeling at all rebellious, you'll have a hay day in this city. But be prepared, disobeying the law will easily burn a hole in your wallet. $150.00 Fine for Smoking $150.00 Fine for Spitting $500.00 Fine for Littering Oh, and don't get me ... Read more >

Made in ___________ .

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 11 Apr 2009 | Views [498]

If you're wearing GAP or Old Navy fashions, please take a moment to identify the birthplace of your garment. Does your tag read "MADE IN CAMBODIA?" Based on the 1996 Trade Agreement between the US and Cambodia, textile factories started ... Read more >

One Body and Eight Fuzzy Legs of Goodness. Web Not Included.

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 9 Apr 2009 | Views [601]

For $0.25, you can purchase your worst nightmare. Fortunately, I was offered it for free. I had only been in Siem Reap for thirty minutes and I befriended some expats at the bar below our guest house. Along with my beer, I was immediately offered ... Read more >

The Ants Go Marching One by One, Hurrah, Hurrah.

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 4 Apr 2009 | Views [1329] | Comments [3]

The ants go marching one by one hurrah, hurrah The ants go marching one by one the little one stops to suck his thumb and they all go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain boom boom boom boom Translation: Ant = Hannah, Molly and I ... Read more >

No Money, No Honey.

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 4 Apr 2009 | Views [1257] | Comments [2]

And that's the truth. Any foreign male approaching his senior years, white, gray or little hair, and sporting a pair of frames (not shades) are targets. No, this isn't a shooting range or a battle field, it's more fulfilling than that. It's all ... Read more >

Ping Pong. Played With One Paddle, One Ball and...

THAILAND | Wednesday, 1 Apr 2009 | Views [668] | Comments [2]

Before I dive into the sport of paddles and balls, I have to touch briefly on my new appreciation for Bangkok. I spent the first six days of my travels in Bangkok and couldn't wait for my exit. I still can't figure out why I was so excited to return ... Read more >

How Could I Forget?!

THAILAND | Monday, 30 Mar 2009 | Views [530] | Comments [1]

I'm an idiot. Where did I go wrong? I failed to include my most valuable piece of travel advice; an art-inspired concept that has fused both of my worlds together. My beloved Portland Trail Blazer jersey. I did a few minor modifications to the #1 Jerret ... Read more >

Pssst. Top Secret Traveling Tips. Tote Style'n.

THAILAND | Monday, 30 Mar 2009 | Views [908] | Comments [3]

Friends, family and readers of all ages, please be advised. The following information is strictly based on my personal preferences in SE Asia and may not apply for those of you traveling on a more flexible budget. Every morning I made sure to include ... Read more >

We Will, We Will...Rock You. Rock You.

THAILAND | Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009 | Views [727] | Comments [3]

I made it. Twenty-two meters later (60ish feet...?), I arrived at the peak. Railay Beach was off to my left and was glittered with longtail boats. The 12 foot long palm leaves that I climbed through was just a canopy hiding me from the rest ... Read more >

Nature's Resort: All Insects Welcome.

THAILAND | Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009 | Views [638]

Ko Samui was a lovely introduction to the islands, but Molly, Hannah and I were ready to leave the touristy chaos behind and hit up the less populated beaches. On our way to Krabi (a one-night pit stop) we met Nikki, our new friend from the UK. The ... Read more >

Pass the Bug Spray, Pronto!

THAILAND | Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009 | Views [946]

Thursday, March 12th was my first introduction to the breathtaking beaches of Southeast Thailand. Welcome to Ko Samui. The view out the window from the airplane was like flying into a dream land. I had been surrounded by noise and pollution for two ... Read more >

Fly'n High

THAILAND | Tuesday, 24 Mar 2009 | Views [478]

Spending six days in Bangkok, one night on a sleeper train and seven days in Chang Mai, I was more than ready slip into my swim suit, lather up the SPF 30 and head to the beaches of Thailand. I splurged on a plane ticket which cut my travel time from ... Read more >

Is That an Elephant Between Your Legs...Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

THAILAND | Monday, 23 Mar 2009 | Views [755]

The last few days of my trip to Chang Mai was when the REAL adventure began! Chang Mai is noted for their treks and it was exactly what I was looking for. A red sungtuaw (a red truck with a covered bed...lined with benches) arrived at my guest house ... Read more >

You Know You're in Thailand When...

THAILAND | Monday, 9 Mar 2009 | Views [606] | Comments [1]

Incoming calls and text messages are free (my new digits: +66 084 756 7401) You walk into the bathroom or "toilet" and have no clue what to do Everything is same, same, but different Going to the market means never walking through a door ... Read more >

Red, White and Blue...Really?

THAILAND | Monday, 9 Mar 2009 | Views [588]

As stated in my previous entry, it is very rare to come across Americans while traveling. I must have some form of Ameri-dar (american radar) because everybody I have encountered these past few days have been from the states. Granted, I've met up with ... Read more >

To the Greatest Traveling Companion...my scarf

THAILAND | Saturday, 7 Mar 2009 | Views [806] | Comments [2]

Yes, that may be a little odd considering my scarf hardly responds to my quirky comments, but it has been at my side through a majority of my travels here in Thailand. It's the best dollar I've ever spent. My bandana's life began at some textile factory ... Read more >

Sweet, Sweet Bananas

THAILAND | Monday, 2 Mar 2009 | Views [843] | Comments [5]

After three days of stuffing myself silly with pad thai and beer, I decided to grab a banana from the breakfast bar this morning. My first bite of a Thai banana was scrumptious and I'm not sure I will ever be able to appreciate an American banana. My ... Read more >

Sleepless in Bangkok

THAILAND | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [566] | Comments [1]

I can't stop singing "One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free..." It's a cheesy theme song for my first evening here, but it must be done. My adventure has begun. After 31 hours ... Read more >

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