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Shake'n it Up

You Know You're in Thailand When...

THAILAND | Monday, 9 March 2009 | Views [615] | Comments [1]

Incoming calls and text messages are free (my new digits: +66 084 756 7401)

You walk into the bathroom or "toilet" and have no clue what to do

Everything is same, same, but different

Going to the market means never walking through a door or placing your items on a conveyor belt

At 8am and 6pm the national anthem is projected on loud speakers and the city comes to a halt to pay respect to the King

You get free samples of Redbull while filling up your gas tank

A glass of Coke cures an upset tummy

Mango sticky rice drizzled with coconut milk is dinner

Recycling takes a back seat

Mobile vendors dressed in brightly-colored tunics and hats attempt to sell you their merchandise, including wooden frogs that croak with the stroke of a stick. Annoying.

Fanta comes in all the colors of the rainbow

A 60 minute Thai massage is cheaper than ordering a microbrew at Bridgeport Brewery.

Being "on the job" means holding an oar and steering clear of dangerous rocks

The salt shaker containers sugar

Every item on the menu is accompanied by a photo of the dish

Even ya bahts got baht

Thai scrip is mistaken for Hebrew

Even the most run down houses own a satellite dish

Geckos here, geckos there, geckos everywhere

The sun looks like a bright pink Bubble Yum bubble fading into the sky

Backstreet Boys, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion are still topping the charts

Motor bikes, tuk tuks and automobiles completely ignore the fact that pedestrians exist

You can get by on a $10 a day food budget for the most delicious cuisine

Locals think you're going "kick boxing" when sporting running shorts and sneaks

English movie subtitles tell a completely different story from what's actually going on in the movie

Food carts and street markets line the streets until the wee morning hours

Young Thai women, wearing questionable and minimal clothing, strike up conversations with foreign businessmen on the street corners

Lonely Planet travel guides are carried like lunchboxes

You're questioned 50+ times a day by locals where you come from

Ping Pong is not table tennis

Toilet paper is the centerpiece for every meal

Bug spray with 50% deet doubles as perfume

The only imported beer starts with an "he" and ends with an "hein" and ends with "eken"

There are ten 7 11 drug stores in one square block



I can't get enough...I just read about 5 entries. I am in awe, more than ever, for you zest of life! Keep livin' da dream baby! Ps. This entry is #1

  Larisa Mar 26, 2009 5:38 AM

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