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There are [13] photos and [14] stories about Canada

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"Go West' as the Pet Shop Boys sing!!!

Friday, 12 Oct 2007 | Views [421]

Well hi everyone again. I'm sorry that this journal is somewhat behind my actual travels - I'll try to catch up a bit!!! I left you all leaving Winnipeg on the 2nd leg of my VIA Rail journey across Canada, going west to Vancouver. Well the journey continued ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Once a teacher, always a teacher in Windy Winnipeg!!

Friday, 28 Sep 2007 | Views [618] | Comments [1]

    It's been a while since my last update & so much has happened! I left Toronto to begin my epic train journey across thee vast country of Canada, after my final night in Global Village. I had planned for an early night, but on meeting many new ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Ther Moose is gone - Long live the Moose!!!

Tuesday, 11 Sep 2007 | Views [573]

Well the Moose is over!!!! I'm now back in Toronto, a different hostel - The Globalbackpakers - for two nights, before catching the Via Rail train across west. I'm hopping off in Winnipeg & hope to catch up with old friends Bev & Keith. Well ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Onwards with the Moose!

Thursday, 30 Aug 2007 | Views [348]

Well I've left Nova Scotia & the Salty Bear behind now! From halifax I flew back to Montreal & the the following day hooked up with the Moose again. We headed out of the city on the journey to our destination of Mont Tremblant. We arrived ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Last two days of Salty Bear

Thursday, 30 Aug 2007 | Views [420]

Well after a really chilled & relaxing time in Charlottetown, PEI, I returned to Halifax & started the 2 day Salty Bear tour. It was really great - I'll pick out a few of the highlights! 1. The new group of people were awesome!!! Some were ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Chillin' in Charlottetown

Monday, 20 Aug 2007 | Views [401]

Well what a busy few days I've had!! I've been on the first leg of The Salty Bear Tour of Nova Scotia. I flew in from Montreal to Halifax & stayed there a couple of nights, in the Halifax backpackers - which was a very friendly & welcoming place. Only ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: First impressions!

Wednesday, 15 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 5 photos >>

Gallery: Quebec City

Wednesday, 15 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 5 photos >>

Next stop Nova Scotia!

Tuesday, 14 Aug 2007 | Views [392] | Comments [1]

Well I've left the tranquil, laid back, super chilled Tadoussac & am now back in the big city of Montreal (again!) I arrived yesterday & spent the evening with a group at a Vietnamese Restaurant, where we had an excellent meal. It did take a ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Having a whale of a time in Tadoussac!!!

Friday, 10 Aug 2007 | Views [372]

Hi all Here's my latest bit of news from "The travels of Penguinman". I'm now staying in the beautiful village of Tadoussac in a really bohemian hostel. The village is on the St Lawrence river where it joins the Sagueny Fjord - it,s really beautiful.... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

A rainy day in Quebec

Tuesday, 7 Aug 2007 | Views [398] | Comments [1]

Well things have changed a little today! At least the forcast was right - it said rain showers & yes, we've had rain showers. But that has meant I've had a very relaxing morning catchingup on my diary - 4 days worth! Also, for all my friends out ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Mon francais est not very good!!

Monday, 6 Aug 2007 | Views [363]

Well my lovely little sister likes to remind me that I didn'y do particularly well in my 'O level' French. So arriving in Quebec, which is very much French speaking, was going to be interestin! Well I doing pretty well with oui, non, bounjour, bon soir ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Montreal - French or English^

Saturday, 4 Aug 2007 | Views [391] | Comments [1]

Well here I am in Montreal, which is both French & British. I'm even using my very!! basic french from my 'o level' days back at school. Those who know me will know that that is not very much french!! Well Montreal is a swell place & yesterday ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

First stop Toronto!

Tuesday, 31 Jul 2007 | Views [340] | Comments [1]

Well it's coming up to midnight on my third full day in Canada & wow! What fun I've ahd already. My first two days (Sat/Sun) were spent acclimatising myself to Canada, in particular Toronto. What a swell city this is. I spent both days walkig around ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing



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