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The world through my eyes If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done!

Gallery: The end?

THAILAND | Monday, 16 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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The end?

THAILAND | Monday, 16 Mar 2009 | Views [640]

Apparently, there's no place like home. The more places I see though, the less I feel as though there's a place called home. You lot.  My family and friends.  You're my home, and there are no people like you. Tomorrow's the day to get back on the ... Read more >

Gallery: Bankok-Ko Phangan

THAILAND | Sunday, 8 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Bankok

THAILAND | Sunday, 8 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Bankok-Ko Phangan

THAILAND | Sunday, 8 Mar 2009 | Views [882] | Comments [1]

Slightly aware that I may have focussed on the less desirable aspects of my Bankok experience, I feel as though I should mention that although it is a hugely overcrowded city, the people there were so friendly and welcoming that despite the different ... Read more >


THAILAND | Thursday, 5 Mar 2009 | Views [615] | Comments [2]

The streets are lined with buildings that look as though they ought to be condemned. Street traders fry fish, chicken, insects and frogs as the many delapidated vehicles that pass spew out their noxous fumes. Stray dogs and feral cats roam the streets, ... Read more >

Rainbow beach-Cairns-Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 3 Mar 2009 | Views [1520] | Comments [1]

Again, the time flew by, and our last week in Australia passed in a flash! The first stop after Rainbow beach was Hervey bay, where we met Ellie's sister Emma and her family before taking a bike ride along the esplanade to a long pier where we saw scools ... Read more >

Gallery: rainbow beach and beyond

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 25 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

running out of time.
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Gallery: Byron-Rainbow beach

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 16 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

further up the sunshine coast
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Byron-Rainbow beach

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 16 Feb 2009 | Views [588] | Comments [1]

Surfer's paradise was our next stop after Byron, and to be honest, it didn't really live up to it's name. After a couple of days being charged a heavy tourist tax at every turn, Ellie and I were happy to be rolling again. The next stop was Brisbane, ... Read more >

Gallery: Sydney-Byron Bay

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 7 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

hitting the beach
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Sydney-Byron Bay

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 | Views [881] | Comments [1]

It's been another week or so of frenzious activity here in Australia shire, which all began with the arrival of my friend Ellie on the 28th of January. Since then, we've thoroughly explored all the good bits of Sydney, gotten bored in a museum which ... Read more >

Gallery: Melbourne-Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 26 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Melbourne to Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 23 Jan 2009 | Views [939] | Comments [8]

Aahh, the last week or so in Melbourne was so much fun, it was a bit sad to leave in the end! Prior to Pete's return, I explored all the quirky nooks of the city, went to the cinema, rode the free tourist bus, lost an entire afternoon in the museum ... Read more >

Hobart and the west coast

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 3 Jan 2009 | Views [980] | Comments [6]

First things first.  I need to do my duty as a Brit and have a moan about the weather. The west coast of Tasmania really did live up to the warnings that I received before going there, and was pretty unfriendly.  The other duty which I successfully ... Read more >

Gallery: Hobart and the west coast

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 2 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

Leaving a trail of empty cafes.
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Gallery: the east coast

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 22 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

beautiful places and smiling faces
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The east coast. Beautiful places and smiling faces.

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 22 Dec 2008 | Views [2477] | Comments [4]

Ok, so. Where did I leave you guys?  Ah yes, that was it, the bay of fires. So my little jaunt from st Helens to the bay of fires was wonderful.  The blue water, white beaches and lichen covered granite rocks were all absolutely beautiful.  Captain ... Read more >

Gallery: Tour of Tasmania stages 1,2 and 3.

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 15 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

freewheeling whenever possible.
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Tour of Tasmania stages 1,2 and 3. Mishaps and lack of preparation.

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 15 Dec 2008 | Views [790] | Comments [2]

Well, it's been a pretty interesting few days.  There are pictures, but they'll have to wait 'til I've found a clever computer. the ferry ride over was a challenge, and offered a similar level of discomfort to the plane journey to Australia!  I settled ... Read more >

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