Well, here I am in New York city. Had a very sad farewell with my family at the airport but some gtreat texts from a lot of people to say hi and good travels thanks to all of you that sent a text or e-mail. New York appears to me very much like London without all the guns!! A lot of police every where, still, should make you feel safer; just made me feel anxious/guilty must be the catholic in me!
Went to ground zero today very sad place and it did make me cry.....soppy git! There is a very long list of names. Think it would make you all cry.
Yesterday to stay awake as suggested went to see the empire state building 86 floors in about 30 secs; my ears popped. very nice in the twilight, not to busy so got to see the sights, not everyones cup of tea.... you all know who you are!