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Jo's Korean and Other Crazy Adventures Jo is coming back to teach in China for a second year that is sure to be filled with new crazy adventures!

Photos: The Great Wall of China - Badaling 2014

CHINA | Saturday, 4 Jul 2015 | Photo Gallery

Trip to Badaling part of the Great Wall of China near Beijing in September 2014.
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A Year Has Passed in The Land of Chinese

CHINA | Thursday, 2 Jul 2015 | Views [660]

I believe I may have had writer's block. Actually I haven't, but I have been so unbelievably busy in the last year that I have not made time to write. I have been experiencing every nook and cranny of this bizarre, crowded and insane place called China ... Read more >

Time is Running out!

CANADA | Monday, 28 Jul 2014 | Views [630] | Video

What the Hell! How can it be that I am having one of the best summers of my life. I mean when it rains it pours as they say! I have had to condense my summer in a month's time rather than a normal three month summer. I have been having one great time ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, meaning of life

So much to do and so little time ...going crazy!

CANADA | Thursday, 17 Jul 2014 | Views [681]

Tick Tock the clock is moving faster everyday so it seems. I have less than a month to prepare for the newest upcoming adventure to teach in Beijing, China. It's at times like these that I seem to lose my head and forget things very easily. That is why ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, thoughts

Going to China for Real!

CANADA | Friday, 20 Jun 2014 | Views [669]

I have to pinch myself to believe it! I left Korea last August (2013) and came back to Canada feeling a bit pissed that I passed up the opportunity to go to China. This past year in Canada has been a bit of a downer because I have been trying to get ... Read more >

Tags: china, dreams

Good-Bye Korea ~ An End to a Four Year Affair

SOUTH KOREA | Friday, 16 Aug 2013 | Views [1038]

So much has happened in these last few months. I had signed a contract to go to China and would have been on my way there in a few days, but I changed my mind. I got sick these last few months and after a lot of stressing and decision making - I decided ... Read more >

Advice for Newbies coming to Korea

SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 11 Jun 2013 | Views [3010] | Comments [1]

  Are you ready? It is hard to believe that in August, lt'll be almost four years that I have taught in the 'Land of the Morning Calm'. Not four years consecutively mind you. I first started teaching in a private 'hakwon' in 2005. Now eight years ... Read more >

Tags: advice, culture, psychology

China - Me in a Communist Country?

SOUTH KOREA | Thursday, 6 Jun 2013 | Views [820]

Yes, you read right! I have accepted a teaching position in China for September 2013. I am a bit stunned myself. The contract looks very good and I am working for a Canadian company, but working at a Chinese middle school. I couldn't pass up teaching ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, risk

Photos: Japanese Fortress Wall

SOUTH KOREA | Saturday, 27 Apr 2013 | Photo Gallery

Saesangpo near Jinha Beach
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Spring at Last

SOUTH KOREA | Saturday, 27 Apr 2013 | Views [1059]

  I once wrote a poem called 'Spring', which I totally forget at the moment. I left all my poetry in a binder in the basement of my father's house. Maybe it's time to write another one. Spring has finally hit South Korea. I had the chance ... Read more >

Tags: birthdays, change, meaning of life

Photos: Jeongwol Daeboreum Fire Festival

SOUTH KOREA | Thursday, 28 Feb 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Jeongwol Daeboreum Fire Festival in Busan

SOUTH KOREA | Thursday, 28 Feb 2013 | Views [2633] | Comments [1]

On the day of the first full moon of the Lunar New Year, a fire festival is held in cities throughout Korea. This was the first fire festival I have ever attended in my 3+ years in Korea which is a shame. I recently went to check out the fire festival ... Read more >

The Last Four Months Condensed

SOUTH KOREA | Sunday, 6 Jan 2013 | Views [712]

Where did 2012 go? I can't believe we are already in 2013. I have been the worst person for not writing about my adventures in the last four months. I had a rough start getting sick the first few months or more. I thought I would never get better. I ... Read more >

My Three Week Whirlwind

SOUTH KOREA | Sunday, 9 Sep 2012 | Views [1193]

I can't believe it! Three weeks have already flown by. So much has happened in the last three weeks since I arrived back in Korea. I decided to return to Korea for the fourth time. After realizing that I was going nowhere in Canada and with no full-... Read more >

Random Musings of an Adventure Junkie

CANADA | Sunday, 8 Jul 2012 | Views [649]

I don't even know where to begin with this one. I can hardly believe it myself that I'm about to embark on another adventure after being jerked around in the middle east a few years ago. I came back pretty unsure about believing what people say, especially ... Read more >

Third Time's A Charm?

SOUTH KOREA | Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [1763] | Comments [1]

After being away from Seoul, Korea for six months, I decided to bite the bullet and come back to 'Korea Sparkling,' and 'Land of the Morning Calm.' I decided that being offered more money and more holidays, plus getting a chance to see all the great ... Read more >

Tags: culture, outlook, philosophy

Busan Christmas trip with Soo-yeon

SOUTH KOREA | Thursday, 21 Feb 2008 | Views [2334]

From December 21st to 24th, My best Korean friend and I took the bullet train down to Busan. Busan is Korea's second largest city, and it has the second biggest seaport. Busan sits on the southern coast of Korea. I had been wanting to visit Busan for ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, beaches

Jeju Island and Jen's Visit

SOUTH KOREA | Saturday, 9 Feb 2008 | Views [11008] | Comments [2]

My time in 'The Land of the Morning Calm' is coming to a sad end. In a few weeks, I'll be on my way to Thailand for a week vacation, then I'm off to teach English in Cambodia for three months. I want to backtrack right now because I have done so much ... Read more >

Tags: the great outdoors

B-Boy Korea - Bust a Move!

SOUTH KOREA | Saturday, 4 Aug 2007 | Views [7012] | Comments [3] | Video

  ^^The youtube video is from Planet B-boy. It is break dancing between North and South Korea soldiers at the DMZ (demilitarized zone) border. It is a must see. Phat stuff! Dope music and break dancing.  A B-boy is ... Read more >

Tags: i should have known better!

Boryeong Mud Festival 2007 - Let's Get Dirty!

SOUTH KOREA | Wednesday, 25 Jul 2007 | Views [6783] | Comments [6]

"Let's get dirty," was my theme for this past weekend, where I visited the 10th anniversary, of the Boryeong Mud Festival. I went with  the "Adventure Korea" tour group, to Daechon Beach, which is two hours south west of Seoul, ... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine

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