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Michael's Small World

Thats Me!bourne: Part Three, "Ode to the Nunnery"

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 27 August 2007 | Views [1228]

Still in Melbourne, y’all. I still havenae managed to get my arse out of this funky monkey of a city, and one which has inspired me to think of longer term plans here. I was only supposed to be here for a month, but that all started to go to shit in my first stint in the culture capital of Australia. After the second, the trip will have been extended to two and a half months. Not bad for a country that I was least looking forward to going to since the trip began.

As I look to leave here to Byron Bay in the afternoon, I am already starting to miss this place. One of the main reasons is the hostel I have been based in for my entire duration of my visit, the wonderful Nunnery. An ex nunnery with high ceilings and fireplaces, it now houses travellers from across the globe, with its reputation increasing further by word of mouth recommendations. The people I met hear have been great from the short term travellers, the [fit] Nuns (the staff), and in particular, the long term stayers. Most are looking for work followed by a place to live as they will be able to enjoy the city for longer, and some are departing to pastures new following many a delayed departure. In large part it’s been great to settle down with this temporary community and enjoy the joys of the district of Fitzroy, which is one of many trendy parts of town. After being on the move for 4 months, it’s been nice to lay some roots, make some friends and relax. This is the first place outside of the UK that I could see myself living, and getting beneath the underbelly of the city- to have a local pub, café, club, food market, and all the stuff that comes from being settled aboard.. I will seriously look to making more of this if I ever get the chance to do so. Home will always be there. At the moment, I am scheduled for a mid November return, but given the way things have panned out I wouldn’t bet your mortgage on it.

NB: The hostel has not been without its characters. I once shared a room with a guy that the long termers call ‘Dementor’, on the count that he’s slightly demented. He’s a strange fellow. I can put up with him drawing skulls with charcoal, and the eccentricity of having a cane when he is clearly able bodied, but the man speaks in tongues (“warble warble, angel of death, carphnanannnnn” etc). After doing his own tarot, he also freaked out and talked about the time when he had to kill a guy with his own knife. Got the fuck out of there in a hurry. I keep my conversation to hello and commenting on his currys, which to his credit do smell ace.

In my 2nd stint in the city, I can’t say that it has been any warmer than what it was the last time around. 12C with a chance of rain, but by and large its been the perfect winter, the ones I don’t mind. Cold, but clear crystal blue skies, with a crispness in the air that clears the back of your throat. I took the opportunity to do some activities I didn’t get a chance to do last time around, of which one was to see an Aussie Rules Football game, a sport that originated in Melbourne, and was restricted to the State of Victoria only until around 15 years ago. It was in the Telstra Dome which was packed with a 48,501 attendance to see the North Melbourne Kangaroos Vs. Geelong. It was a strange atmosphere in that only a small group of fans from both teams seemed to cheer between the goals. The fans were otherwise equally distributed around. A high light was a middle aged ginger guy behind us who kept on shouting what you imagine an Aussie Rules fan to be shouting in the most raucous of Aussie accents: “That’s a bloody foul, ya stinking Maggot!!”, “Yer filthy Cheat, referaaay!!”, and I did laugh when he yelled out at a player being substituted: “Phone call for Jamo!!”. I didn’t have a bloody clue what was going on. On the pitch there were 4 referees, and two unexplained weasly chaps in fluorescent jackets, along with 30 burly aussie blokes, who couldn’t kick a ball further than a goalie could in a ‘Soccer’ match. All in all it good fun.

So to Bryon Bay next. Warm weather, and more hippy type hostels beckon. Keep well, readers, and keep your chin up that September will be great weather for you all, wherever you are.

))<>(( Back and Forth. Forever.

Mike x

Tags: On the Road



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