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a light in Cambodia

Things you should probably not try on one foot

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 6 February 2013 | Views [193] | Comments [1]

Especially if you’re incredibly clumsy and so reliant on your right foot. That’s my life currently with my right foot completely out of action :-(


1. Climb into a tuk tuk

For those who don’t know what a tuk tuk is it is basically a trailer connected to a moto bike. It has one step, then another to get into the trailer and lastly one sits on the seat. Easy enough right…wrong! Me being rather clumsy and not able to push my weight off the ground that high to make the first step means taking the unconventional method of sitting down in the trailer and pushing myself up onto the chair. Not the best look.


2. Attempt Khmer stairs

Stairs here are uneven, covered in dust and of varying heights. Plus I think my confidence vanished ever since I started using crutches and I now have dreaded “Climacophobia” – the fear of climbing stairs. I think this might have been caused by the fact that I tripped over a step attempting to hurdle into my home bathroom. Today I just climbed the stairs outside the photo shop on my knees, much to my own embarrassment.


3. Move pots, pans, bowls etc.

Hobbling with the stick can cause you to drop these items. Best to slide them across benches or eat from wherever you cooked. Moving things like this never ends pretty.


4. Use crutches in a wet bathroom

I think this one speaks for itself. Crutches slip so quickly and with bathrooms often being wet it is a huge effort to stay upright. I use the Hitch Hikers Guide rule of thumb, by not panicking and carrying a towel.


5. Attempt to navigate your way to your bed in the dark

Especially if there are obstacles or numerous tripping hazards on the floor. Best to have some form of glow near your bed to help navigate your way once the light is switched off. I find my laptop is very useful in this respect.


I’ve learnt is it is always better to:

-       Ask for help

-       Accept help

-       Carry items in a plastic bag

-       Have an easy to carry water bottle with you

-       Choose a taxi/car over a tuk tuk

-       Chairs are your friend

-       Resting with foot elevated is your other friend

-       Take your time to do things

-       Patience is a necessity while travelling through life on one foot.

Tags: challenges



Love it! I'm a fellow 'clumbsy' so can totally relate!

  Margie Feb 7, 2013 5:42 AM



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