So on Saturday I finally did it. I finally went to visit an optometrist shop to get myself a new pair of glasses. As all things often are in Cambodia it was not without its interesting moments.
I walked into a shop my friend recommended and told the lady at the counter that I was after a new pair of glasses as well as getting my eyes tested. She invited me to sit on one of the stools around the counter, gave me with some water and offered my some lollies while I awkwardly waited for the optometrist.
The eye test went fine. The optometrist spoke beautiful English and knew what he was doing. Once he had finished his examination he place lenses into boggley frames and asked me to try them on to see if I could see. Then he invited me to walk around the shop wearing these frames, testing if they worked well. I’m not sure if this whole process was necessary or if it is an attempt of embarrassing the foreigner but I quietly, though reluctantly, complied to his request for as long as I could bare it.
Next was the frame selection process. I explained to the friendly assistant that I wanted a bronzy coloured frame, similar to my hair. Made the slight mistake of speaking Khmer, so the assistant ceased in using any English and chatted away with me in her native tongue. Thankfully I can follow along a bit and am fairly good at adding smiles and “jah”s for encouragement and signs of understanding.
They can make the glasses all ready for you within two hours….but I decided that I would return on Monday to pick them up.
So today I walked bristly over to the store from school, greeted the assistant in Khmer and sat down. They commented to me that I must be hot because I drank the water so fast so they went to put on the AC. I tried to explain I wasn’t hot, it actually is really cool out at the moment, but Cambodians are so used to seeing sweaty foreigners that can’t handle the heat so I guess there is no breaking that frame of thinking.
I then had the whole procedure of how to clean and look after my new glasses told to me in rapid Khmer (insert noddies and smiles) while my old frames were taken out the back, disassembled and the put back together for a vigorous and much needed cleaning.
There was also a funny moment in saying goodbye and trying to leave the store as the sale assistant continued to chat away to me. Where she got the illusion that I speak good Khmer is beyond me, but she seemed happy. I’m sure I gave the staff a good laugh and some entertainment. Hey, if I brightened someone’s day and I get some new glasses out of it I guess I can call that a good day.