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a light in Cambodia

The art of accidental snobbery.

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 18 September 2011 | Views [162] | Comments [1]

Ever had that moment where someone recognises you but you have no idea who they are? They smile at you showing signs of familiarity and you bewilderedly smile back – as you don’t want to appear rude do you - and keep on walking to only later discover you have snubbed someone off.

I had one of these moments today. Was walking out of church on my way to find a moto taxi to get some delicious lunch when a guy sitting on a moto smiled at me. Kinda befuddled by this - and thinking this must be someone else’s moto driver so therefore I should continue to the corner - I followed that train of thought, gave him a quick smile and kept walking. Next thing I know he was following me to the corner on his moto and I’m still thinking he has confused me with another person (cause all foreigners look the same right?). He hasn’t said a word to me or even indicated that he is a moto taxi driver so how am I to know who he is.

Within three more steps a moto driver at the corner signals if I want a moto and I return the gesture. Yep this is how we get things done. Once I get on the moto the other driver has turned near the corner and starts shouting at me asking why I didn’t go with him.

Reflecting back I think he may be one of my regular drivers that took me to school each day but it’s hard to tell because I usually see them with their helmets on. Whatever the case I felt rather foolish, it is hard to understand what is going on when words are few and far between and expectations of mind reading are required.

So again I come off as the stupid foreigner who made another mistake with blowing off the first driver to the scene. All I can say is sorry moto driver wherever you are but next time please don’t expect me to know what’s going on without giving me some clear indications. Asking “Moto dtuek?” would be suffice.

Tags: im here as the entertainment, moto taxi



Oh dear. I'm sure he'll forgive you next time you ride with him ;)

  Benita Sep 18, 2011 9:15 PM



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