The challenge was to put on a simple, low cost and easy to organise end of year party for Grade 1. So pyjama party it was. It was funny trying to convince my students to actually come to school in their pyjamas. Many wanted to wear their PE uniform to school and then change – the little self conscious rascals – but with their PE teacher informing them that she looked forward to teaching them in their sleep wear and lots of encouragement from me every child in my class arrived to school all decked out in sleep attire.
Hosting a pyjama party included the fact that I needed to drive to school in my pyjamas. Now in many parts of the world this might be a sore thumb moment but in Cambodia lots of people spend their day wearing pyjama type clothing so I blended right in (though that didn’t stop me from feeling a bit self conscious).
Activities included in the day were watching the movie Babe while eating popcorn and heap bowls full of treats, playing sleeping lions and just doing regular school things in our pyaamas.
The kids loved it. A few said it was their highlight of Grade 1. What a great way to celebrate as well as helping us relax by being a little silly.