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Maria & Brett's HUGE Trip 06-07-08-09-? ok, so the Socceroos lost in 'that' penalty against Italy; Adriatic summers aren't long enough (bliss!); and we found that you should never use the term "Eastern Bloc" when talking to a Czech (Central Europe, please).

Trip: Two Aussies in Central Europe

There are [79] stories from my trip: Two Aussies in Central Europe

The Obamas come to visit us in Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Monday, 6 Apr 2009 | Views [938] | Comments [1]

Waking up early this morning we felt something abuzz: 'there's something happening around the corner and we should go an check it out', we thought. So we walked down the road and bumped into Barack and Michelle Obama... Not exactly how it happened, ... Read more >

Gallery: The Obamas in Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Monday, 6 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

Obama visits Prague on a european tour. Lucky for us it was just around the corner at Prague Castle, so the early morning start wasn't entirely painful...
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Winter ball in Kobyli - deep, deep heart of Czech kul-cha!

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009 | Views [1453]

So we accepted Ales' invite to trundle down the D1 from Prague to Brno and head to his wee town of 2000 people for the once annual winter ball. Held inside because... well work it out for yourself... too bloody cold in the snow and ice outside, the ... Read more >

Tags: kobyli winter ball

Gallery: Kobyli winter ball

CZECH REPUBLIC | Monday, 16 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Invited by Ales, whom we met at Cejkovice during the Brno MotoGP, we headed off to his home town for a night of dance, traditional costumes and one or two drinks. Ouch, my head hurts.
See all 41 photos >>

Gallery: Junket in Lapland!

FINLAND | Monday, 19 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

-35 degrees celsius, a log cabin in the middle of nowhere, an endless supply of Finlandia vodka (which was, unfortunately, taken advantage of on my part), ski-dooing, reindeer sleighs, huski sledging and bare-arsed workmates…now this is a work junket ... Read more >
See all 64 photos >>

There's blood on the streets: must be Xmas in Cz Rep

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 24 Dec 2008 | Views [1597]

Spent our time dodging flying scales and bloody innards from freshly decapitated and debowelled carp on every other street corner; fathers with their kiddies picking out the best Christmas tree to take home to mum, who's no doubt enslaved by the ... Read more >

Gallery: Christmas in Prague 08

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 24 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

Need we say more??!! ** WARNING: if you're offended by freshly slaughtered fish, don't look at this gallery (sorry, morbid, we know - but it's on the streets!)
See all 32 photos >>

C'est la vie à Paris!

FRANCE | Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008 | Views [1134]

With the global economy doing what it is, we jumped on a cheapy SkyEurope flight to Paris to see what mischief we could get up to before budget airlines start packing it in. Of course that meant being at the airport for a 05:45am check-in followed ... Read more >

Gettin' down 'n' dirty in Berlin

GERMANY | Wednesday, 19 Nov 2008 | Views [1663]

What better way to show off the wonderful city of Prague and its beautiful, nice-smelling people (especially at gyms, squash courts and on any public transport vehicle) than by comparing it all with their brethren up the road in Deutschland who.... Read more >

Tags: berlin, thai

Gallery: C'est la vie à Paris!

FRANCE | Thursday, 6 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

A long weekend in Paris was just what the doctor ordered - well, we thought it was a good idea anyway.
See all 62 photos >>

Gallery: Madness in Berlin

GERMANY | Saturday, 20 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

A long weekend with the infamous and adorable Dan & Rob in Berlin saw us leaving Prague after a working week on Friday and arriving in Berlin 5 hrs later by a rickety train and accompanied by a lot of laughs. Join us as we put a modern spin on this already ... Read more >
See all 30 photos >>

Gallery: San Marino MotoGP 2008

SAN MARINO | Wednesday, 10 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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San Marino MotoGP - one year on!

SAN MARINO | Wednesday, 10 Sep 2008 | Views [2099]

How quickly does a year go! We returned to Italy at the end of August for the 2nd San Marino MotoGP - which happened to fall on the same day as my b'day (could celebrate it in worse ways!). True to form, Italy again served up delicious meal after ... Read more >

Gallery: Just can't get enough!

CROATIA | Thursday, 31 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

Wanting to escape a poor Prague summer, Brett and I headed for the pristine waters of Zadar, Croatia for 10 days. It felt like 2006 all over again only better.
See all 74 photos >>

A short return to Zadar, Croatia

CROATIA | Wednesday, 30 Jul 2008 | Views [790]

Wanting to escape a poor Prague summer, Brett and I headed for the pristine waters of Zadar, Croatia for 10 days.   Zadar is my home away from home but this time it was even better as my parents and cousin Klaudia were going to be there ... Read more >

The Absinthe Tour of Cyprus

CYPRUS | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [1719]

(See our photos here: http://journals.worldnomads.com/maria_brett/gallery/11201.aspx  ) What to do with a week of your life and a visit from your good mate from Oz? You activate your Out of Office reply on your work emails and head off to sunny, dusty ... Read more >

Gallery: Cyprus - a country divided and rich with history

CYPRUS | Tuesday, 3 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

One week on a tiny island? Not much to see and do? You've gotta be kidding!! It's impossible to see every inch of this island: Greek on the south and occupied by Turkey in the north since 1974, this place has been settled, colonised, occupied, built on, ... Read more >
See all 230 photos >>

Gallery: Across Ireland on two wheels and a lot of craic!

IRELAND | Friday, 9 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

Back in November last year we had the pleasure of meeting Aidan and Noel from Ireland at the Valencia MotoGP. Not only did the guys (a) get me drunk before having to meet Brett for dinner (b) raise a lot of money for Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI) and ... Read more >
See all 55 photos >>

Motorbike trip around Ireland for charity

IRELAND | Monday, 5 May 2008 | Views [2506]

Maria: Back in November last year we had the pleasure of meeting Aidan and Noel from Ireland at the Valencia MotoGP.  Not only did the guys (a) get me drunk before having to meet Brett for dinner, (b) raise a lot of money for Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI), ... Read more >

Gallery: Sue & David's engagement party - live broadcast

CZECH REPUBLIC | Saturday, 12 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

Following Mum and David's recent engagement (yeeee haaaa!!!!) my sisters and David's daughters combined forces and threw a surprise engagement party (at Mum & David's house!!), gathering most of Mum and David's friends and family together at a moment's ... Read more >
See all 31 photos >>

Why does Scandinavia get it right?

DENMARK | Wednesday, 9 Apr 2008 | Views [1656]

Is it their high cheekbones or obsession with a funky, modern monarchy? Or is it the dry salted fish that improves their diet and overall wellbeing? Or perhaps their penchant for clean, tidy, modern orderliness, as embodied by little-known lifestyle ... Read more >

Gallery: Civilisation for a weekend - Denmark!

DENMARK | Tuesday, 8 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Budapest: dental makeover capital of eastern europe

HUNGARY | Saturday, 1 Mar 2008 | Views [1967]

If Prague is popular for women (and possibly men?) wanting a cheap boob job, why is it that Budapest is the Prague of dental jobs? Any googler looking to have their crowns tipped or canals rooted might find comfort in such places as the Fortuna Hotel ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Gallery: 36 hours in Budapest

HUNGARY | Tuesday, 26 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

Overnight train to the capital of dental makeovers, the home of goulasch and did we mention the friendliest people?!
See all 38 photos >>

Firing up for freeezetown

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 19 Dec 2007 | Views [1137] | Comments [3]

"Waaaaa... waaaahhhhh...", not the screaming of a newborn but the perfect harmonic of a fine-tuned rally car as it came straight THROUGH OUR WINDOW - well that's what it felt like as we tried to prise our eyes from a deep Sunday morning sleep.... Read more >

Tags: People

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