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Maria & Brett's HUGE Trip 06-07-08-09-? ok, so the Socceroos lost in 'that' penalty against Italy; Adriatic summers aren't long enough (bliss!); and we found that you should never use the term "Eastern Bloc" when talking to a Czech (Central Europe, please).

Junket in Lapland!

This was one of Alex's dogs before the leg home.  The story goes that Alex's dogs stopped on an incline, looked back at him, and gave the look as if to say 'you can push fatso'. Hilarious!
The expression on the gorgeous dog's face says it all!

Exclaimer: Alex is not fat.

FINLAND | Wednesday, 14 January 2009 | Views [346]

This was one of Alex's dogs before the leg home. The story goes that Alex's dogs stopped on an incline, looked back at him, and gave the look as if to say 'you can push fatso'. Hilarious! The expression on the gorgeous dog's face says it all! Exclaimer: Alex is not fat.

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