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My Scholarship entry - Bondi in winter

Australia | Saturday, January 12, 2013 | 4 photos

My name is Magda Biskup and I am in love with the world. I love the world and I love to capture its beauty. I do it with my most favorite item - my camera. My love for the world (and travelling) came first, but the love of photography followed very soon.
I do have a day job, which I enjoy, but I would photograph full time if I had the balls to do it. Well, I don't have the balls at the moment, but I feel that the World Nomads Scholarship would help me make that move. Which is why I decided to apply, hoping that you would see the potential in me.
I know exactly what I want to do photographically - I want to capture the life around the world and educate others about different cultures through my photographs. I have been doing it for the last couple of years, travelling around Asia, Pacific and Australia, and sharing my photos on my blog. But I want more. I want to become a good travel documentary photographer and I want to learn the ropes from the best. I deeply believe that World Nomads Scholarship, through the mentoring from Jason Edwards, offers exactly that.
I can do it – I can make my big dream of photographing full time come through - but I just need a little bit of help.

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