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The world in a nutshell Lucy and Tim go wandering...

About lucyandtim

Having graduated in 2008, worked our butts off and spent lots of money on rent and not much else, we decided it was time we had something to show for ourselves.

The 'big trip' has always been something we talked about but never dreamed we would be able to do so soon. Thanks to the support and help of family (some just round the corner, some just up the M4, and some sadly no longer with us) we have been able to cobble together the means in which to conquer the globe – or something like that anyway. So conquer we shall!

The trouble with two very stubborn people is that a compromise is not so easily reached. With Tim gunning for South East Asia and a dream of living in New Zealand, and Lucy dreaming of discovering South America we thought, what the hell! Lets do it all! SO where's the compromise you ask... well, the rest of the world will have to wait.

So, we leave the UK on 10th January 2012 and start what will hopefully be a hugely clichéd 'life changing' journey that will probably just leave us poor and wanting more.

We didn't want you to miss out either, so we hope you enjoy sharing our travels with the help of this journal. And if this isn't quite enough for you, it's an open invite to join us at any stage of our travels...just give us a few weeks warning so we know where we'll be!

¡Buen viaje!

My Travel Map:
