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Lolo's Travels

Tibet ~ Lhasa (#9a)

Walking back to the Yak Hotel, I noticed this young boy crying as his mother tried to comfort him.  She saw me watching, and pointed me out to him ~ he stopped wailing immediately and just STARED, tears frozen on his cheeks.  Its funny how much of a stir a white face still causes, despite the masses of tourists that must descend upon Lhasa each year.

CHINA | Thursday, 23 March 2006 | Views [483]

Walking back to the Yak Hotel, I noticed this young boy crying as his mother tried to comfort him. She saw me watching, and pointed me out to him ~ he stopped wailing immediately and just STARED, tears frozen on his cheeks. Its funny how much of a stir a white face still causes, despite the masses of tourists that must descend upon Lhasa each year.

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