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Gallery: Thailand ~ Koh Lanta

THAILAND | Friday, 18 Aug 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 29 photos >>

Gallery: France ~ Cannes...etc (#11b)

FRANCE | Tuesday, 6 Jun 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 28 photos >>

Gallery: France ~ Paris (#11a)

FRANCE | Friday, 26 May 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 24 photos >>

the sparkly eiffel tower ~ and other unexpected things!!

FRANCE | Friday, 26 May 2006 | Views [1500] | Comments [3]

hey everyone!!   and again...SO much has happened since i wrote last...i'm getting really bad at keeping in touch as this trip wears on. but i think that my lack of communication also has a lot to do with the fact that i'm sorting a lot out in my ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Gallery: Thailand ~ Phuket (#4d)

THAILAND | Sunday, 21 May 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>

Long Lost Lolo

THAILAND | Tuesday, 16 May 2006 | Views [1148]

I know, I know.  Its been a ridiculously long time since I've written ~ and I'm very very sorry about that (to those of you who have written wondering what in hell is going on!!)   I think the last time I left off I was still in Hong Kong - enjoying ... Read more >

Tags: Lost!

Gallery: da bruthas

CANADA | Tuesday, 25 Apr 2006 | Photo Gallery

east coast, west coast
See all 17 photos >>

Gallery: China ~ Yangtze Cruise (Chongqing to Yichang) (#8f)

CHINA | Thursday, 20 Apr 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 12 photos >>

Gallery: China ~ Nanjing (#8h)

CHINA | Thursday, 20 Apr 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>

Gallery: China ~ Shanghai (#8g)

CHINA | Thursday, 20 Apr 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 23 photos >>

Gallery: Hong Kong & Macau (#9)

HONG KONG | Sunday, 16 Apr 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 44 photos >>

China Doll

CHINA | Friday, 14 Apr 2006 | Views [1304] | Comments [1]

Well, I'm out.  Finally, I've left China; and not a moment too soon.  I really don't think I could have handled much more.  Is it a co-incidence that of the two countries I've spent more than a month in, Vietnam and China, I've left both of them in ... Read more >

Tags: People

Cruising the Yangtze in (relative) Style

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Apr 2006 | Views [757]

So, my cruise is over and done with.  I have to admit ~ although I don't regret it at all, I will not remember it as one of my favourite Chinese experiences.  That said, I did enjoy myself.  On my last night in Lhasa, I ended up meeting a dutch ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Temples and Monastaries ~ Lhasa

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Apr 2006 | Views [1189]

Well, I managed to wake up early this morning ~ and am I ever glad I did. My last day in Lhasa was absolutely incredible. First off, we headed out to the Johkang (holiest temple in Tibet!) and walked the Barkhor Kora surrounding it. We were ... Read more >

Tags: culture, tibet

The Tibetan Side of Town

CHINA | Sunday, 26 Mar 2006 | Views [1324] | Comments [1]

Hey guys. (hey ray, i added you in....so we can stay in touch!!) So, on a whim, I booked a flight from Chengdu to Lhasa ~ and here I am, in Tibet. Staying in the Tibetan home in Songpan really made me curious as to what it would be like here ~ ... Read more >

Tags: lhasa, mountains, tibet

Gallery: Tibet ~ Lhasa (#9a)

CHINA | Thursday, 23 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 61 photos >>

Gallery: China ~ Songpan (#8e)

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 29 photos >>

Gallery: China ~ Chengdu (#8d)

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 19 photos >>

Gallery: China ~ Xi'an (#8c)

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 21 photos >>

Gallery: China ~ Datong & Pingyao (#8b)

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>

Gallery: Vietnam ~ Halong Bay & Cat Ba Island (#7g)

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 12 photos >>

Gallery: Vietnam ~ Hoi An (#7d)

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 14 photos >>

Horse Trekking in Songpan

CHINA | Tuesday, 21 Mar 2006 | Views [8498] | Comments [2]

Hey hey! Well, I'm definately sore, and pretty darn cold. Northern Sichuan can give Canada a run for its money in the snow department, let me tell you. I just spent the last 4 days on horseback, riding up into the hills and mountains surrounding Songpan ... Read more >

Tags: Snow

Sichuan really DOES mean spicy!!

CHINA | Tuesday, 14 Mar 2006 | Views [1592]

Wow.  I have never tasted food this hot in my life....and I love spicy food!   I literally touched it to my tongue, and there were fireworks in my mouth.  Incredible.  But I'm getting ahead of myself here....   Obviously, I've made my way to Sichuan ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Xi'an and the Terracotta Warriors

CHINA | Sunday, 12 Mar 2006 | Views [2255] | Comments [1]

Hi everyone! I figured I could get a little email in before catching my night train to Chengdu; I have a few hours to kill!  The hostel here is great ~ email, comfy couches and dvds, great food, and music playing all the time.  Last night I stayed ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

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About lolo

Me at CKS Intl. Airport, very bored.  I was there from about 12midnight until my flight to Singapore, about 7am.  Ha ha, and also ~ you can see up my nose!  (but I still like this pic....)

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