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Gallery: Brasil

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 8 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Chile

CHILE | Monday, 29 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Chillian Coast

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 7 Oct 2007 | Views [414]

We felt we had done our time on buses and foot for the time being so decided to catch the Navimag ferry from Pueto Natales up the coast of southern Chile to Puerto Montt.  This 4 day journey took us up through the Peninsula de Taitao, Archipelielago ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Torres Del Paine

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 7 Oct 2007 | Views [396]

From Ushuaia we crossed too Puert Natales, Chile.  Here we stocked up on our walking supplies and headed off for 6 days walking in Parque Nacional Torres Del Paine which was absolutely awesome.  We started our walk in wind that blew you over sideways ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


ARGENTINA | Sunday, 7 Oct 2007 | Views [366]

From El Chalten we travelled down into Tierra Del Fuego to visit the souther most city in the world, Ushuaia.  Despite being completly freezing Ushuaia was really interesting.  With our new English friends, we went on a bost cruise on the Beagle channel ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

El Calafate

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 7 Oct 2007 | Views [415]

After around 30 hours of buses we arrived in El Calafate where we were able to see the Perito Moreno Glacier in the Parque Nacionql Los Glacier.  Outside of Antartica, this is the only glacier that is not receeding and it is awesome!!! We were mesmorised ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


ARGENTINA | Friday, 7 Sep 2007 | Views [383]

From Las Lenas we headed to the `premier`ski town in South America, Bariloche. Bariloche is very similar to Queenstown, except more tourists and smaller. There were so many chocolate shops there I am suprised anyone could fit into their ski pants let ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


ARGENTINA | Friday, 7 Sep 2007 | Views [424]

From B.A. we headed to Mendoza by overnight bus (which froze on the inside of the windows).  Mendoza is the capital of the wine making distract in Argentina so we thought it was only right to do a wine tour of the area.  The tastings at the vineyards ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


URUGUAY | Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Views [459]

We caught the ferry from Buenos Aires across to a beautiful little town called Colonia which is similar to Battery Point but about 20 times colder!!  Apart from stroll around and enjoy the scenery there was not a lot to do in Colonia other than eat local ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Iguazu Falls

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Views [434]

Iguazu falls were awesome!  No description would do them justice.  The volume of water thundering down per second is just amazing.  Even standing around 150metre from the face of the falls you were getting wet from their spray.  Unfortunately it was also ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Views [425]

The girls finally caught up with the boys in Buenos Aires.  As the boys had been in Argentina for a little while they had no trouble in showing us the best spots for steak, red wine, desserts and more steaks.  One of the places we visited was all you ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Puerto Maldonado

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Views [458]

After the excitement of the Inka trek we spent 3 relaxing days in the jungle of the Amazon Basin at Puerto Maldonado which is the capital of the Madres de Dios region. Our open air cabin was the only one located in the Reserva Nacional Tambopata.   When ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Gallery: Argentina

ARGENTINA | Monday, 6 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

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AUSTRALIA | Monday, 30 Jul 2007 | Views [605] | Comments [3]

Well despite violent protesting, the worst buses in the world and altitude sickness, we managed to get into Cuzco and have a couple of days playing in the city before starting our 4 day Inca trail.  The city itself is pretty weird.  Half the city was ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Peru

PERU | Monday, 30 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

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AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 15 Jul 2007 | Views [482] | Comments [2]

Well the late night bus to Puno was horrible.  We had gone from approx 2300m in Arequipa to 3900m.  Our bus driver was a complete nut case who overtook everything in sight then slammed on the breaks nearly forcing you out of your seat to take the hairpin ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 15 Jul 2007 | Views [454] | Comments [1]

In Arequipa we were able to catch up with Castles, Matty the Scott and Sheepdog which was really great.  We hadn´t planned on seeing them for another week or so,thus it was a nice bonus.  The boys all looked really well, tanned and skinny, need less ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 7 Jul 2007 | Views [425] | Comments [1]

Well Luis didn´t let us down.  He took us with some of his friends to the cock fighting!!!  At first it was pretty disgusting but by the end of it we were chanting along with everyone else and having a great time.  It was a great way to learn our left ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 7 Jul 2007 | Views [443]

Well I spent my 25th birthday on a 4 hour bus from Lima to Pisco.  The bus stank, but was a real eye opener.  The pollution was disgusting and limited you to only being able to see about 150metres in front of you. The only thing the pollution didn´t ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 7 Jul 2007 | Views [393]

Well well, after about 2 million hours of flying we finally made it to Lima, via Sydney, Auckland and Santiago.  As some of you may know sitting still is not one of my strengths so I found the flights  pretty uncomfortable.  Anyway we finally arrived ... Read more >

Tags: Airports

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