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Udaipur. On my way back to Bombay

Monday, 19 May 2008 | Views [1279]

In transit in Udaipur. Coming from Delhi on my way back to Mumbai. Actually there was no ticket train to Mumbai available within two days. First option : find a ticket bus instead. None of it or too expensive... Second option : find a ticket ... Read more >

Tags: bikaner, bombay, bus, delhi, india, jaisalmer, local travel agency, rajhastan, travel agency, udaipur

Thar Desert. 'Doors to Pakistan'

Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Views [2450] | Comments [1]

Namaste. Mid afternoon here... I came back from the Thar Desert this morning after a whole day riding a camel called Shalya or so which means balance/equilibre. Isn't it funny?  This is the meaning a word, I asked to a chinese woman to write down ... Read more >

Tags: camel, desert, goat, india, jaisalmer, pakistan, rajasthan, safari, sand dunes, thar desert

Jaisalmer. A Bollywood arrival

Tuesday, 13 May 2008 | Views [1004]

I am fine. Thanks to every one for your messages after the terrorist attack in Jaipur... I didn't have heard about these terrible news yet when a friend sent me an sms tonight to tell me about and because he was worried. It happened around 7:00pm ... Read more >

Tags: bus, india, jaisalmer, rajasthan, thar desert

Jodhpur. I feel the heat

Monday, 12 May 2008 | Views [915]

Arrived in Johpur beginning of the afternoon after 7 hours bus trip under the Indian heat... 35 degrees in they say it was 43 degrees in Jaisalmer today my next destination for tomorrow morning... levee a 6:00am ce matin j ai fini de packer ... Read more >

Tags: bus, guest house, india, jodhpur

Udaipur. Back to India

Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [1103]

Arrivee ce matin vers 10:00am a Udaipur apres un voyage en bus with no AC (air conditionner) de 18h00. They say it would be hot, they say it would be a very difficult journey. You know what? I just love it! Nous aurions du partir depuis la station ... Read more >

Tags: bombay, bus, india, udaipur

Goa. Happy Divali

Friday, 4 Jan 2008 | Views [1053]

happy divali everybody! A la gare de Goa ou j`attends mon train pour Bengalore, la derniere etape de mon voyage avant de prendre un avion pour Delhi puis celui qui me ramenera a Paris. Time flies here... Que vous dire de Goa? Que j`y ai passe deux ... Read more >

Tags: ahmedabad, bengalore, mumbai

Jaipur. Stay cool if you want to get your ticket train

Thursday, 27 Dec 2007 | Views [1047]

Je vous ecris de Jaipur cette fois-ci ou je suis arrivee hier en fin d`apres-midi. Le voyage en bus a ete plus tranquille aue je ne l`aurais cru. Six heures de trajet en compagnie d`indiens qui pour la plupart venaient en famille voir leurs proches.... Read more >

Tags: ahmedabad, india, jaipur, udaipur

Agra. See the Taj Mahal and leave

Tuesday, 25 Dec 2007 | Views [939]

Merry Christmas to all of you. I moved yesterday at night with 3 hours delay in Vanarasi to Agra . Agra est une ville tres touristique. Le Taj Mahal est l`attrait principal du lieu. Pour y entrer il faut cependant faire une queue monstrueuse ... Read more >

Tags: agra, india, taj mahal

Varanasi. 'That would be an experience'

Sunday, 23 Dec 2007 | Views [1041]

I didn’t know anything about what would happen during this trip. I had never been to India before or to Asia… There was only one thing I did wanted to do: going to Varanasi [Benares], the Holy City… Its name attracted me like some few others in the ... Read more >

Tags: delhi, india, varanasi

Delhi to Varanasi. 2560 Shivganga

Friday, 21 Dec 2007 | Views [1634]

In the Shivganga to Varanasi, sleeper 24. The train will run for the whole night. We should be there early in the morning. From my upper sleeper I can see what's happening around. On the other side of the coach, one sleeper below, there's a one child ... Read more >

Tags: delhi, india, sleeper, train, varanasi

Delhi. ‘Anything can happen in India’

Friday, 21 Dec 2007 | Views [1495]

Few days before, I was arriving at Delhi Airport. After I picked up my back bag, I walked out… A crowd was there on each side of the way out holding signs… Taxi drivers were shouting at people so they might pay attention to them… I was looking for ... Read more >

Tags: delhi, india, sleeper, station, train, trip, varanasi

Delhi. Four days stay and a marriage

Thursday, 20 Dec 2007 | Views [1367]

I slept for hours in this house I soon felt like home in India. There are so many things I remember from these first days in Delhi… Thought they might seem insignificant for anybody else, they will remain in my memory as this first morning when I ... Read more >

Tags: bride, ceremony, dehli, groom, india, marriage, party

Paris to Delhi. RJ 192 - Delayed

Sunday, 16 Dec 2007 | Views [1464]

As I left Paris at 12:25pm, I was supposed to arrive in Delhi on the following day at 5:00am after a stop in Aman [Jordania] for three hours. Actually the RJ 192, Aman to Delhi on the 16th December 2007 was delayed for sixteen hours or so… With no ... Read more >

Tags: airport, aman, delay, delhi, flight, india, jordania, paris



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