In transit in Udaipur. Coming from Delhi on my way back to Mumbai. Actually there was no ticket train to Mumbai available within two days.
First option : find a ticket bus instead. None of it or too
expensive... Second option : find a ticket bus to a city on the way
where I could catch a train or an other bus. Amhedabad seemed to be
okay even if the ticket bus was quite expensive: how many people must
have taken commission on it... You book your ticket in a governemental
agency who brings you to a local one which brings you itself to an other
local local travel agency... you travel in all and old delhi with a
rickshaw cramponne a vos bagages pour ne pas vous casser la margoulette
au milieu de la route tant il y a de cahots et rien pour vous retenir... and then you finally arrived in the third travel agency,
the local local one - do u remember ? -, look for some mineral water, chips - no cracker in there so back to the
chips - a pepsi and you sat on a bench having an eye on some mouses
going from here and there but you don't care because you have more
interesting to do: watching the cricket match The Kings of Mumbai vs
Chennai... Smoking a cigarett and offering one to the guy who hold this 'travel agency' instead he offered you a bindi. 'Theek hai' - okay - ,
'Dhanya-waadh' - merci. Ca met dans l'ambiance d'apprendre quelques mots, cela
detend l'atmosphere et cela ameliore mes relations sociales youpii !
Ballade en bus de qq heures, 17 actually, to learn that I'll have to catch an other bus to reach Ahmedabad. This one is suddenly supposed to stop in
Udaipur. Bugger! Once you arrived you find 'the key guy' who speaks
english and you told him about your wonderful and so well organized
programm: that you have to be in Ahmedabad before 8:00pm to catch a bus
- leaving around 9:00pm - or a train - leaving around 10:00pm -to go to
Mumbai or else you would miss your flight back to your cold, refresh and
sweet home. You do add, of course, you love for true India because you became half
indian on the way... Here we are back again! Stop asking me now if I'm half Indian! At the same
time, there is one truth: I'm half something so half indian could be nice, not the worse option I would say... okay back to the trip... so blablabla.
Look, you won't believe me! I had my motorbike ride
in India! okay avec tout mon paquetage, mes cheveux etaient deja en
vrac de toutes les facons, rien a cirer donc. On n'a pas non plus atteind la
vitesse de la lumiere. On ne peut pas non plus dire que j'ai vu du
pays car cela duré a peine 10 minutes. Mais tout de meme... je vous ai
deja dit que j'adore les motos? yeah yeah! Anyways...
I should wait in Udaipur to catch the bus for Ahmedabad. It was planed to reach the city around 4:00pm which was
fine... But suddendly I had an idea. I'm a genius of logistics for
travels abroad. Okay must be over exagereated...
The point is that i asked him if there was a bus to Mumbai today. Guess what he answered? Haaa! - yes! - Wonderful!: departure and
arrival time ? what about the price? Don't hurry Don't worry! It leaves
at 3:00pm today and will reach Mumbai tomorrow morning AROUND 8:00am. Perfect!: 17 hours more by bus to reach Mumbai! I like this guy! 500.-rps for the
trip with 100.-rps discount because I had already paid a ticket to
Ahmedabad. I'm going to marry this guy! - Ne ne ne... Relax!
Anyway so as I know pretty well the city after I got my ticket, I took a room at Shiva Guest House - 150.-rps with a discount - had a
breakfast, a shower, two black coffees yet and talked with the bodies there now and who seemed to be happy to see me again... Wonderful!
I got to get some drinks, water above all, for the trip and some
'potatoes'. Tomorrow, I'll be back to Mumbai and will spend the day with
the Begin team. That should be nice...
Almost the end... Hopefully I've got these last 17 hours bus trip to enjoy the rest of it...