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Lesley and Jan in Palau


PALAU | Monday, 29 Jun 2015 | Views [279]

Hello from KL!  City of walkways, fountains, BIG buildings and terrible pavements.  We have "bummed" through Malaysia via Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Selangor, Kuantan and now KL. I will soon post more pics - but suffice to say we have had lots ... Read more >

Bumming thru Asia

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 11 Jun 2015 | Views [502]

Or travelling slowly by local train! Hello from Penang!  After rushing from Palau to UK for my Father's funeral we spent time in England with my family and some friends.  It was chilly and rainy but we managed to get out to do some walking.... Read more >

Photos: Bumming thru Asia

PALAU | Thursday, 11 Jun 2015 | Photo Gallery

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70 Islands.....and a farewell

PALAU | Tuesday, 28 Apr 2015 | Views [514] | Comments [1]

This picture is of a very special place in Palau commonly called 70 islands.  It has been a no entry area for over 50 years and has some unique flora and fauna.  We were very fortunate to receive permission to go there.  It was a gorgeous ... Read more >

Earth Day in Palau

PALAU | Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015 | Views [310]

As National Geographic says - every day is Earth Day in Palau!  They are here to launch a new video about Palau: ( http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2015/04/21/earth-day-is-every-day-in-palau/ ).   We started Earth Day activities on Saturday ... Read more >


PALAU | Monday, 13 Apr 2015 | Views [350]

Imagine 4 tiny coral islands in the Pacific Ocean - that is Kayangel.  Unique in Pala, Kayangel and the 3 tiny islands that make up this chain are low lying coral atolls.  That means they are vulnerable to high tides, storms and typhoons.  ... Read more >

Photos: Kayangel

PALAU | Monday, 13 Apr 2015 | Photo Gallery

Our trip to Kayangel
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Please sign the Marine Sanctuary petition!

PALAU | Friday, 27 Mar 2015 | Views [378]

The main focus of Micronesia Challenge, and therefore my work is how we effectively conserve marine resources.  To this end the President of Palau is seeking to make Palau a marine sanctuary with only local fishing allowed.  Imgaine that!  ... Read more >

Giant Clam Farming

PALAU | Wednesday, 18 Mar 2015 | Views [1123] | Comments [1]

One of the most beautiful creatures here is the giant clam.  The come in an extraordinary array of patterns and colours.  A bit like those crazy sweaters you used to get.  Clams are bivalve molluscs if you want to get scientific; and much ... Read more >

Palau is rapidly changing

PALAU | Thursday, 5 Mar 2015 | Views [461]

I returned from Yap with a friend - Winsome from Sydney - in tow.  We had really enjoyed the peace and quiet of Yap.  Palau seems like Los Vegas in comparison.  Consider there used to be less than 20,000 tourists a year.  This year ... Read more >


PALAU | Thursday, 19 Feb 2015 | Views [434]

Mogethin from Yap!  I am here for a week to induct the new Micronesia Challenge Coordinator who will take over from me.  Yap is the most beautiful serene place and possibly the most traditional north pacific island.  The main town, Colonia ... Read more >

Photos: Yap

MICRONESIA | Thursday, 19 Feb 2015 | Photo Gallery

My visit to Yap
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Pohnpei and 6 Waterfalls hike

PALAU | Thursday, 12 Feb 2015 | Views [650]

We are in Pohnpei for the Australian Volunteers Meeting.  There is one a year and all volunteers from the North Pacific gather.  We have had a great time with fun company and wonderful local foods.  Also a couple of excursions including ... Read more >


PALAU | Monday, 26 Jan 2015 | Views [542] | Comments [1]

If there is one thing Palauans know its how to party.  We attended a Welcome to 2015 one this weekend and it was sensational.  For a start everyone joins in - ladies ask men to dance or vice versa.  And everyone dances until they drop.... Read more >

Chewing Betel Nut

PALAU | Wednesday, 14 Jan 2015 | Views [1269] | Comments [1]

There is one custom here that I don't think I could ever share - chewing betel nut!  This is a tradition here and in Yap and many other Pacific countries.  The betel nuts grow on tall slim trees like Coconut palms.  First step is to climb ... Read more >


PALAU | Friday, 2 Jan 2015 | Views [951] | Comments [1]

Happy New Year!  Here we are celebrating Christmas with tree shaped pancakes.  There is no particular Christmas food.  There is a Palauan tapioca dish for new year (very sweet) and a Japanese bean one (also sweet).  Sugar almost sums ... Read more >

Season's Greetings

PALAU | Wednesday, 17 Dec 2014 | Views [547]

Christmas is in full swing here already.  Never have I seen so many blow up snowmen or flashing lights.  Since Thanksgiving we have been regalled by greetings, carols and candy canes.  This week was the lighting of the Christmas tree and ... Read more >

First Birth Ceremony

PALAU | Friday, 5 Dec 2014 | Views [3911] | Comments [1]

Palau is a matrilineal society and the key ceremony here involves women.  When a woman has her first baby she undergoes a special cleansing ceremony.  It's a bit like a spa voucher with benefits!  For up to 9 days (depending on her clan) ... Read more >

Rock Islands camping

PALAU | Wednesday, 26 Nov 2014 | Views [585]

Wow what a weekend we just had!  Camping in the Rock Islands.  This was the end of year event for the Outrigger Canoe group.  So about 20 of us - mainly teenagers and young people met Saturday morning with plenty of food and water.  ... Read more >

Photos: Rock Islands Camping

PALAU | Wednesday, 26 Nov 2014 | Photo Gallery

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