Wow what a weekend we just had! Camping in the Rock Islands. This was the end of year event for the Outrigger Canoe group. So about 20 of us - mainly teenagers and young people met Saturday morning with plenty of food and water. The island we were going to is called Ngermediu. It has a summer house with a barbeque and plenty of beach to stretch out on.
Saturday afternoon we snorkelled and some of the group went fishing. It is not hard to fish here - just drop your line in and something virtually jumps on! Saturday night was a cook up and campfire.
Sunday bright and early we went off for a long swim to the drop off. Here you see the larger fish. After that more relaxing, chatting and even a bit of coconut husking.
Eventually the boat returned and we had to go back. Tired but happy. I have never enjoyed wearing the same clothes 48 hours so much or being sandy and salty. A true Robinson Crusoe experience!