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Trip: Summer 2009

There are [9] stories from my trip: Summer 2009

The trail east

USA | Monday, 29 Jun 2009 | Views [468] | Comments [1]

I'm home but let me recount the rest of the journey.  Crockett and I pulled out of Grand Junction Friday morning in the mist and low hanging clouds.  Way cool.  I have a pic in the gallery.  The trip east along I-70 was as pretty as the trip west.  The ... Read more >

Moab; and another must see drive: UT-128

USA | Thursday, 25 Jun 2009 | Views [605] | Comments [5]

What a great day. We slept in and cut our jeep crawl from a full day to a half day. A ton of fun though once we got going. We crawled all over the Fins & Things Jeep trail of the BLM’s Flat Rock Recreation Area. At some moments we were bumping around, ... Read more >

CSU; RMNP; and the Colorado River west

USA | Wednesday, 24 Jun 2009 | Views [268]

The campus of Colorado State Univerity was pleasant.  Not as picturesque as CU in Boulder but still very nice with lots of green space.  In fact, CSU is real into all things Green.  They do have the program Crockett is interested in, Environmental Engineering, ... Read more >

Boulder to Fort Collins

USA | Monday, 22 Jun 2009 | Views [348] | Comments [1]

We have had a full day.  This morning we had a college visit at CU, the University of Colorado at Boulder.  Wow, what a beautiful campus.  Its not like the beautiful campuses we have back home in Oxford, Baton Rouge, etc.  This has the back drop of the ... Read more >


USA | Sunday, 21 Jun 2009 | Views [289] | Comments [1]

Well, I left Hays, Kansas this morning around 6:30.  The plains opened before me.  As far as the eye can see.  Near Colby, Pikes Peak became visible.  I took some shots but I'm not sure what you can see in them  (in the gallery.)  I got to the Denver ... Read more >

Bank of Daddy, Branson and the Road West

USA | Saturday, 20 Jun 2009 | Views [298] | Comments [1]

Seeing Massey was wonderful.  she is doing great at Kanakuk's KAA, Kids Across America, camps for inner-city kids.  She took her "two-four" to spend time with me, about 18 hours worth.  We ate and shopped.  I bought gas and a carwash for her, ... Read more >


USA | Wednesday, 17 Jun 2009 | Views [259] | Comments [3]

Packing can be a chore for a road trip.  Do you plan for hot weather?  Cool weather in the mountains?  Rain?  The answer is yes.  And while I will hotel it most nights this trip, I've got 2-3 nights camping so that means you've got to get the right gear.... Read more >

Gallery: Summer 2009

USA | Wednesday, 17 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 46 photos >>

TIme to be moving

USA | Tuesday, 16 Jun 2009 | Views [434] | Comments [4]

Its finally summer here and its time to jump in the car and take off.  Cray is not going with me on this jaunt but thats ok.  He and I made it to Mammoth Cave NP last fall, the Statue of Liberty this spring and intend to go to Cuyahoga River Valley NP ... Read more >