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There are [9] photos and [8] stories about Australia

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The Not-So-Comprehensive Melbourne Chocolate Café Guide

Sunday, 1 Aug 2010 | Views [4560] | Comments [3]

I like chocolate. Melbourne has chocolate cafés. It seemed quite natural to put the two together during my one year stint living down under and see what I could come up with. I admit that I have a penchant for dark, thick, rich chocolate rather ... Read more >

Tags: australia, cafe, chocolate, food, melbourne

Cairns white water rafting experience at the Barron River!

Friday, 2 Jul 2010 | Views [3170]

I’m in Cairns at the moment soaking up the nice weather and being a tourist as this is one of THE places to go touristing in Australia. My dad flew over from LAX to Australia for a mini-two week vacation as congratulatory prize for me graduating ... Read more >

Tags: australia, barron river, cairns, rafting, tour, tourist

Bar hopping? Have a peek at a post-modern bar: Berlin Bar.

Tuesday, 22 Jun 2010 | Views [1386]

Berlin Bar is a rather fun German-themed bar; the best part would be deciding if you wanted to be in opulent West Berlin or barbed-wire East Berlin. West Berlin has plush sofas, gilded mirrors, and a feeling of splendor. East Berlin, however, is full ... Read more >

Tags: bar, drinks, melbourne, night life

Restauranting @ Lentils As Anything

Saturday, 12 Jun 2010 | Views [903]

Lentils As Anything is an amazing not-for-profit restaurant with a “pay as you feel” philosophy where YOU decide what you pay at the end of the visit. There’s a box by the door where you deposit money – or not – as you see fit. It’s largely staffed ... Read more >

Tags: australia, melbourne, non-profit, restaurant

Fun, funky, alternative hair salon you ask? I say 'Wildilocks'!

Saturday, 29 May 2010 | Views [5247]

Where to go for fun colors – call up the girls at Wildilocks @ The Lock Works, right in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD (central business district) a short walk away fromFlinders St. station.   This is my vague goth tendencies coming ... Read more >

Tags: alternative, australia, gothic, hair, melbourne, salon

Australia's Great Ocean Road

Thursday, 7 Jan 2010 | Views [1169] | Comments [1]

The Great Ocean Road   For anyone in Melbourne – or heading to Melbourne – the Great Ocean Road seems to be a rather well known tourist destination. I can’t with any honesty say I’ve ever heard of it before I moved ... Read more >

Tags: australia, beach, chocolate, melbourne, ocean, road trip

To think that I am now in Australia

Monday, 4 Jan 2010 | Views [944]

Welcome to the flip side, literally. A locational shift from the Northern to the Southern hemisphere; Japan to Australia. And welcome to the new year and whatever that shall entail.   I have been in Australia for about half a year now, ... Read more >

Tags: australia, japan, melbourne, new years, travel

Photos: Australia

Monday, 4 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

My life in Oz
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