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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "restaurant".

A Raw Vegan Foodie Experience in DC!

USA | Thursday, 13 Aug 2015 | Views [523]

We all need somewhere nice to go for our birthday dinner and after hearing about a lovely 5-course prix fixe dinner that was not only vegan but raw… well, I had to check it out! Enter Elizabeth’s Gone Raw, a raw vegan foodie experience that ... Read more >

Tags: foodie, restaurant, vegan, vegetarian, washington d.c.

Restauranting @ Lentils As Anything

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 12 Jun 2010 | Views [971]

Lentils As Anything is an amazing not-for-profit restaurant with a “pay as you feel” philosophy where YOU decide what you pay at the end of the visit. There’s a box by the door where you deposit money – or not – as you see fit. It’s largely staffed ... Read more >

Tags: australia, melbourne, non-profit, restaurant

Chris†on Cafe: everything you ever wanted from a church at dinnertime

JAPAN | Thursday, 7 May 2009 | Views [1588]

Imagine a restaurant themed as a "church" as seen by Japanese eyes: with gaudy images of Christ on his cross neon-lit in blue, frescoed ceilings of cheeky cherubs, glittering glass chandeliers, a silver disco ball(?!!) tall multicolored candles, and ... Read more >

Tags: food, japan, osaka, restaurant, theme

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