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My Treasure Box My tresure box is full of friends who were once strangers, unexpected beauty upon the path and those who travel with me in the suitcase of my heart. These treasures have brought more meaning and beauty into this wonderful life God has given me.

Excerpts from my Journals in Kenya Jan. 2013

KENYA | Monday, 25 Feb 2013 | Views [226]

Jan 15th 34 minutes till we land on African soil.  My body is tired, my heart happy.  I slept on and off throughout our over-night flight and awoke to a brilliant sunrise with bold streaks of orange, red, midnight blue, and purple. ... Read more >

Tags: africa, culture, humility, kaswanga village, kenya, lake victoria, poverty, rusinga island, village

The Song I Sing

USA | Tuesday, 6 Mar 2012 | Views [175]

This is a folk song I wrote last summer while visiting the mountains in Medicine Bow National Forest, WY.  I find myself singing it often when I am at home in nature.   I went home to the mountains to rest my weary soul 6 long years of traveling ... Read more >

Tags: flight, forest, home, mountains, nature, rest, sky, travel, traveling, trees

The beautiful things

USA | Thursday, 22 Sep 2011 | Views [193] | Comments [1]

Time is moving quickly, some days rush by before I even get a chance to stop and take in the beauty. I thank God for birds, quickly seeing them on telephone wires on a busy day keeps me connected to the natural world-the real world.  I need this world, ... Read more >

Tags: advertisements, carbon, cities, environment, forest, natural world, nature, ocean, real world, river

In the wind she came to me

USA | Thursday, 20 Jan 2011 | Views [178]

I saw a dream today. In the wind she came to me- made my heart feel free, put my mind at ease- the simple thought of world peace. Of children singing songs and hearing no more bombs. Of one love in this shared land- people holding hands- leaving ... Read more >

Tags: all lands, all nations, dream, love, pacifism, peace, unity

The night time sky

USA | Saturday, 30 Oct 2010 | Views [133]

I sat outside tonight.  The moon had just risen over the ocean and the stars were out by the 1000s.  The moon was a perfect half moon, golden in light, shining onto the water below.  I love looking at the night time sky, it always puts ... Read more >

Tags: eternity, heaven, moon, night time, ocean, perspective, sight, sky, stars, vision

At the end of the Journey

USA | Sunday, 25 Jul 2010 | Views [275]

At the end of this journey-once this dream has been lived and accomplished I would only be a fool to think that I accomplished something big or gained deep understanding of the world at large.  I have achieved a dream-this is important. I have learned ... Read more >

Dream Giver

KENYA | Thursday, 8 Jul 2010 | Views [172]

Last night I had a dream. The old man in my dream told me that this dream wasn't just for me. As we sat under a star filled sky the man pulled me close and looked me in the eyes. In his eyes I saw the the whole world flash before me-I saw people of ... Read more >

Tags: dream boat world earth old man travel

The Motherland: Life in a Rural Village in Kenya Africa

KENYA | Thursday, 17 Jun 2010 | Views [491]

Africa. A place I have had dreams and visions of for years now. I have always felt drawn to this continent and knew that one day I would come here. Now I am here. Here with Brian living in a mud home in a small village off the ... Read more >

Tags: africa kenya poor rich rural village electri

Photos: Angkor Wat

CAMBODIA | Friday, 14 May 2010 | Photo Gallery

1 of the 7 Man-Made Wonders of the World, Temple Ruins from the 12th century
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Photos: Savong School and Orphanage

CAMBODIA | Friday, 14 May 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Beautiful Children

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 13 May 2010 | Views [195]

    We spent the past 5 days with many children.   Today was our last day volunteering at Savong School and Orphanage and as long, hot and hard the days were, I want to go back, especially to the orphanage.   Those kids mean something to ... Read more >


CAMBODIA | Thursday, 13 May 2010 | Views [314] | Comments [3]

  Traveling can be hard.     It has many faces.     Our 5 day motorbike adventure In S. Laos re-energized us, was peace-giving, strengthening, refreshing, relaxing, challenging, dream inspiring, painful at times but just ... Read more >

Tags: cambodia siem reap tourism ankgor wat school


LAOS | Thursday, 13 May 2010 | Views [115] | Comments [1]

  The rains coming, you can smell her in the air and hear her in the wind.   Soon her song will out-sing the music of the frogs and crickets in the trees.   Occasionally lighting strikes, you can hear thunder in the distance.     ... Read more >

Photos: Thailand and Laos

LAOS | Thursday, 13 May 2010 | Photo Gallery

beautiful smiles, simple living, tough travelling, much inspiration
See all 45 photos >>

The climax of our 5 day motorbike adventure

LAOS | Sunday, 9 May 2010 | Views [294]

Yesterday was an adventure, one we can smile back on but are relieved to be out of. The morning started late as mornings often do with us.  Went down the wrong road, stopped every few minutes to take pictures and got stuck in the rain by early afternoon.... Read more >

Two worlds seemed to exist in this one moment of time

LAOS | Thursday, 6 May 2010 | Views [403]

As our bus climbed in elevation up the un-paved mountain road we passed villages of bamboo and grass-thatched huts on wooden stilts.  There were no schools, restaurants, shops or electricity in these villages. The red hot pink sun began to sink below ... Read more >

Photos: Sumatra Indonesia

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

Possibly my favorite place yet: few tourists, a mountainous island and some of the friendliest people in the world
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A wooden long boat, the Indian Ocean, 1000s of fish, few passengers and a good book

INDONESIA | Monday, 5 Apr 2010 | Views [162]

Yesterday morning we left the small family village of Puala Bali, 1 of Puala Banyak's main islands off the NW coast of Sumatra in the beautiful mysterious Indian Ocean.  I was happy to have been there-seeing such an ideal example of simple ... Read more >

A world rich in Diversity

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 24 Mar 2010 | Views [207]

Brian and I spent a few days back in Penang, Malaysia before taking a boat to Sumatra, Indonesia where we are now.  Here is my reflection of Penang. As we walk down the streets here in Penang I see a world rich in diversity, alive in culture.  I ... Read more >

Tags: diversity culture bus ride malaysia hinduism

Photos: Southern Thailand

THAILAND | Saturday, 6 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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