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Wide Eyed Wander-Ment Queensland attack....From Brizzie to the Gold Coast..living in he moment.

Under the radar Gold Coast Style

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 20 Sep 2013 | Views [319]

I'm sitting at my favorite morning spot in Mermaid beach. A lot has happened since Brisbane:   Donna and Jace tour of Brizzie chest pain amazing tour guide in donna. Te city is unlike any other i have ever seen. Oeople can swim and rock ... Read more >

Run, Market... Train to Brizzie

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 15 Sep 2013 | Views [357]

Woke up 430am ran  purchased orange pinapple, passionfruit bevrage . The maker of saidbeverage desnt surf anymore but her brother is the 5th ranked long board surfer out of New Zealand. She said her surfing days ended when she witnessed a ... Read more >

Off the grid

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 14 Sep 2013 | Views [350]

sunrise beach sunny sides cloudy with a bit of rain. Meditated to malcom h.  i want to be quiet and will disconnect from grid... Catch you later... 

Peddle peddle

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 13 Sep 2013 | Views [370]

Rode about 14 miles along the coast and took in the sites. Wiped out....see pics..nap time. 

Day 5 Gobsmacked in Paradise and red headband

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 13 Sep 2013 | Views [342]

Its 6am and im awake and full of wonder. Sitting on the edge of my bed. Ive been to the beach many times in my life and have always thought its a great place to visit but not developed that urge to stay.  i have friends from coastal towns from California ... Read more >

Annnd we're back...cant we stay forever

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 12 Sep 2013 | Views [348]

Aussie Slang Give it a burl :  try it, have a go Whacker, whacka :  Idiot; somebody who talks drivel; somebody with whom you have little patience; a dickhead Gobsmacked :  surprised, astounded   glen ... Read more >

Sunrise, Coffee and paper mâché vaginas....its not even 9am...

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 12 Sep 2013 | Views [592]

Nutshell, as i digest a sandwich before heading out: 520 sunscreen application 30 spf 540 sunrise on ocean Sun sals to get in tune( yes yogi friends, i did chataranga flip it up to tha backside-yoga) -local wet dog attacked me with love in the ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 12 Sep 2013 | Views [296]

Woke up at 4am and my body is nice and sore from biking all over the area. Im also pleasantly sun soaked but not crispy thanks to high powered sunscreen. The sun is quite penetrating down here and people are extra careful to cover up due to high rate ... Read more >

Day three bonus trak

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 | Views [329]

After breakfast rode bike to mall to look for a rashie/ wet shirt for surfing. The friendly sales beauty helped me find a shirt and we spent a good twenty minutes talking about Aussie vs Usa culture tidbits. I ffound out that minimum wage is around$20 ... Read more >

Day three in full effect..

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 | Views [270]

Awoke at 3am and its now almost 8. At my new favorite local spot, Cafe on Hedges In Mermaid Beach. Locally owned and all organic. I was just told that Mermaid beach and Surfers P are like the LA of Australia . Everyone works out and there are quite a ... Read more >

Day 2

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 | Views [316]

Nutshell...Sunrise 5am  25 min beach run in one glorious southerly direction. Breakfast at local cafe avocado egg croissant.  Atchia, the barista, schools me on best local hangs and tattoo shop in Burleigh  40 min walk along beach ... Read more >

Photos: Oz 2013

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Day one from Brisbane to SP

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Views [406]

First time blogging...so bare with me friends..............After a day of travel all i can say is...It's been an adventure so far. Soooo long flight, landed at Brisbane airport and it was away we go...... First order of business.I needed to get in contact ... Read more >

Tags: brisbane, knoxknox, surfers paradise, travel

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