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Round The World Adventures "The rewards of the journey far outweigh the risk of leaving the harbour"

Gallery: Uganda

UGANDA | Sunday, 30 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Art Deco Heaven

USA | Monday, 12 Nov 2007 | Views [473] | Comments [1]

What a relief to go from 11 deg C in New York to 25 deg C in Miami.  I parked myself in South Beach for 3 nights (thanks for the tip Russ) and totally chilled out.  For the first time since leaving Africa I could wear a t-shirt and shorts again.  Now ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

You gotta love New York!

USA | Monday, 12 Nov 2007 | Views [424] | Comments [1]

It was a culture shock almost to go from the historic city of Copenhagen to the hustle and bustle of a more modern New York, though it has it´s own history. What can you say about New York?  Well I can say ´The City that never sleeps´ is an apt title.... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Tanzania

TANZANIA | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

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On yer bike!

DENMARK | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Views [392]

Before I left the UK I had a brief stopover in London staying with another ex-passenger, Kath, and her flatmate George (both Aussies).  I very briefly caught up with ex-workmate, Fi, who has just moved over here for her big OE. Next stop was Copenhagen ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Wine, Women and Walking

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 24 Oct 2007 | Views [774] | Comments [3]

From the Emerald Isle I popped back into the UK to Northern England and a place called Warrington near Manchester.  I finally got to see some unexplored territory courtesy of my wonderful tour guide, Sue and her able assistant Jasmine.  Both lovely ladies ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

The cold North!

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 24 Oct 2007 | Views [460] | Comments [1]

I know I'm a wuss but going from 30 deg C to 12 deg C is shock enough for anybody right?  I'm talking about my departure from Nairobi, Kenya and my arrival in bonny Aberdeen, Scotland.  At least it didn't rain during my brief stay with friends John ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Gallery: Zimbabwe

ZIMBABWE | Tuesday, 16 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Africa in conclusion

TANZANIA | Saturday, 29 Sep 2007 | Views [707] | Comments [1]

Mambo Everyone (I've been learning some Swahili) I know it's been a while since I updated you on my travels; internet access and my travel itinerary have been a problem.  Therefore I'll condense my activities in this email. After leaving Malawi we headed ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Warm Heart of Africa

MALAWI | Monday, 10 Sep 2007 | Views [593]

Hi everyone After leaving Zimbabwe we drove through Mozambique for two days to get into Malawi.  The first night we camped in Mozambique by the Tete Bridge over the Zambezi River.  We were mobbed by all these local children in the campsite.  Got a good ... Read more >

Tags: People

The Big Cat Experience

ZIMBABWE | Saturday, 1 Sep 2007 | Views [518]

Hi Everybody I've just lost an email I spent 1/2 an hr typing so here goes again! After leaving Victoria Falls, we visited Matabos National Park near Bulawayo looking for rhinos.  It took till 4pm but we eventually followed a white rhino cow and her ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Botswana

BOTSWANA | Tuesday, 14 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Okavango Delta & Chobe NP
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Wildlife Galore!

BOTSWANA | Tuesday, 14 Aug 2007 | Views [1536]

Hi from Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. Well I've survived a week on tour already and have resisted the urge to take over driving the truck... It's just like life on the road with WesternXposure... sandwiches/rolls for lunch; cheese, tomato, lettuce, cucumber ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

The journey begins

SOUTH AFRICA | Tuesday, 14 Aug 2007 | Views [517]

Hi All For those that don't know I've just started another one of my epic round -the-world trips for six months. I'll be emailing regular updates when I can. This first email is just to say I arrived safely in Johannesburg after a crappy 27 hour ... Read more >

Tags: Airports

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