Just so everybody knows (specifically my mother)- I WANT to put up pictures! I just can't find any computer on earth with a fast/stable enough connection to do so! It's funny that it's way easier to find computers in Honduras than it was in Costa Rica...it's just crazy-expensive here in Utila. And PHONE CALLS ARE A BILLION DOLLARS. Just cause it's a tourist town. So they can. Ugh.
But it's beautiful here. The bars are fun every night of the week, we made friends with the waitress and her boyfriend last night, the water is crystal blue and just amazing, it's really chill. I'm excited to spend a few nights here before heading over to Guatemala <3 Last night we went to a place called Treetanic, and it is the most incredible bar I've ever seen in my life. It's like a wonderland. The guy who owns it and the surrounding hostel is an artisic genius. So the bar itself is on these platforms in the trees a little high up, and all around is a courtyard you can explore. There's a gazebo and arches and bridges and stairs, and every step, every wall, every surface is COVERED with hundreds of millions of pieces of broken glass, marbles, recycled bottles, action figures, seashells, mosiac...it's Disneyland for your eyes! We spent forever wandering, taking pictures and exploring and we're going back today to see it more. It was mind-blowing.
I'll probably write another blog tonight, just because we're pretty slow right now and not too too much is going on, plus this internet is really fast and the place is air-conditioned (!), so we'll talk to you soon!