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Europe 2017

Can You Solve This Mystery?

FRANCE | Thursday, 27 July 2017 | Views [499] | Comments [1]

One of the truly unsolved mystery's in the world today has its beginning close to where we are in the very posh little town of Carnac. Close to 7,000 years B. C. a group of people began cutting and moving heavy pieces of granite around the area. Because of radio-carbon dating, historians know that these "buildings' were constructed in three different time periods. Most of the granite called "Menhirs" are from 4500 B. C. and although there are some in other parts of France, the majority are here in Brittany. Someone in the 1880's actually tried to count all of them. He accounted for roughly 6,000 of them and over 5,000 were in Brittany with Carnac having some 4,000 of them.
Although the stones remain, or pieces of them, there are no traces of the people who cut them and moved them to the locations where they are found today! So, this is mystery #1. One theory is that they came from outer space- doubtful. Another is that the people lived by the sea and because of climate change, what was sea front is now under water and thus hides the location of the dwellings of these remarkable builders. This theory is at least more plausible. Have any others of your own?
The megaliths are huge menhirs. In this area, some are as high as 12 feet. Stonehenge, in England, is constructed with megaliths. Is it possible that there were similar remains in this region? The weather is harsher in this area. We really don't know.

Then there are the Dolmans. These stones are arranged in such a way that most people think they are burial sites. Perhaps, because they resemble more contemporary burial sites. But, remember, these were constructed thousands of years ago during the Neolithic Age! There are three in Carnac and in another town on the Rhuys peninsula, about an hour away, there is a huge one that had to be used for more than just a burial chamber or maybe not? It  rivals a small Pyramid in size! But these were built thousands of years before the Pyramids were.  Maybe, there were objects left that have disappeared over such a long period of time.  This big one, in Rhuys, was so well constructed that it was actually used by the Nazis during WWII. Speaking of which, maybe they inspired the Nazi "block houses" built all along the Atlantic coast.They do resemble one another???




I prefer the theory of Abiner Smoothie "The Last Elegant Bear" as stated in his book of world travels -- "When visiting Stonehenge, Abiner ordered eclairs, as he thought it was a bakery" -- What else would a cultured Teddy Bear think !!

  Susan & Abe Jul 28, 2017 12:56 AM



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