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Viola is out there... Somewhere nce upon a time, in a land not so far away, existed a violist who loved languages and wanted to travel. A lot. When I say a lot it REALLY means a LOT. So, she left the country a couple of times. Her last stopover is Dubai and soon she will fly away... ag


There are [0] photos and [5] stories about Brazil

How to plan your trip

Wednesday, 28 Jan 2015 | Views [565]

Travelling is all about planning. First you decide where to go, what you want to see and when you want to go. Visiting one place in summer is entirely different of visiting it in winter. There are difficulties you might have not imagined you have ... Read more >

Tags: how to choose an itinerary, planning, preparation, schedule, travel smart

Back home... or home is where the heart is?

Thursday, 28 Jun 2007 | Views [636]

It was good to see again friends and people who, even though there are no blood connections between us, I truly consider them part of the family. Moira with her neverending joy for life. Didi for her lovely smile and adorable British accent. Florie ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

I´m leaving on a Jet plane

Saturday, 12 May 2007 | Views [371]

I said goodbye to friends in Renascer... closed the suitcase... now I´m leaving... I will keep you posted.

Tags: The Planning Phase

Flatulence should NEVER be overated...

Wednesday, 9 May 2007 | Views [473]

Well what is the mistery of fitting a whole month worth of clothes in on single suitcase? Well, I believe I´m about to find out. After a lovely weekend interacting with fellow colleagues from work, (and eating as much as we could several times a day) ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

I´m going baaaaack

Saturday, 28 Apr 2007 | Views [535]

I´m going baaaaack! I Only know that less than two weeks... ok, let´s be anal retentive: It is 13   days , 20   hours , 52   minutes and 34   seconds until Saturday, 12 de Maio de 2007, 19:40:00 when I´m flying to Dublin! Do you think I´m ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase



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