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AdventurSpirit Travel memories fade fast if not recorded. This is an account of my travels - and adventure spirit...

Seoul - Sickhead..... Puke

SOUTH KOREA | Thursday, 15 February 2007 | Views [1449]

Arrived back in Seoul after a horrid 4hr bus ride from Changwon. Julie's mum came to the bus terminal to pick us up. One look at the boys and she said - you need some 'after-alcohol' fooood!

She took us to this famous fish soupy rice place, and the boys soaked it in. All felt better after a warm hearty meal, and we headed off to the youth hostel to check-in.

Initially planned to hit the night markets after dinner, however Julie was feeling unwell and went to the doctor's (prob due to the busride) and us three were buggered anyways. Got to about 10pm and we started getting hungry - after getting sucked into Armagaddon on korean cable tv at the hostel.

Took a train to the next suburb - Hongik Uni - in search of our fried chicken or Isaac toast. Finally found one, but it was not what we imagined. Maybe it was the lady who couldnt be bothered with the food as she was closing really soon, but I reckon it was just our tastebuds having been saturated in shoju the night before.

Walked around somemore and found a pub-like establishment. Went in for softies and chicken, although Martin couldnt resist ordering a beer, but in the end it was all too much for him.

That's when it started. I felt nauseous, first time threw up in the ladies and we decided to head back. Tried to get a cab, but apparantly we were too close by and they refused to take us. 3 rejections later, we walked our sorry asses half an hour in 1 deg weather back to the hostel... on the way, I marked my territory..... sad aint it. Throughout the night, I threw up again and again and again - even when I could throw up no more. Gastro for sure!! What bad luck!!!!

It was 8am when I got up the next day - didnt sleep all night and glad that today we had planned to get our hair done, so not too much running around. I got my hair straightened and highlights put in. Martin and Ethan both got a haircut and got their hair coloured (BLUE and SILVER)... yikes!! 4 hours later, both of them looked like cartoon characters out of Dragonball. Haha.... Funny!

Julie's mum joined us later, and we went out to the night markets to buy some wares. Couldnt believe it... but it started raining and it was *brrrrrrrrrrrrr* cold!!!! My shoes were wet, my gloves were wet and I was coooold. But with only 1 night left, we soildered on. The night market is bizzare... Its like all these shops bunged together with no apparant system. I bought myself 2 leather jackets - one ala The Matrix. I didnt have any dinner - everyone else had some soup and later Julie's mum had Lotteria fried chicken and we told ourselves we will have that before we left.... that loooook good! hmmmm... Finally got back home around 10-ish, not too late, but crashed into bed straightaway.

Was supposed to meet up at mid-day the next day, but slept in till 1pm and feeling so much better than the day before. Met up with Julie around 2pm and grabbed the rest of our luggage from Julie's mum and bid her 'arn nyong ha say yoh' and see her in Melbourne when she comes to visit with Jasmine.

First off, headed to Gyeongbokgung where the movie Daegyeonggum was flimed. That place was very interesting, but it was too cold to stay outdoors and we were relieved that we could duck into the National Folk Museum where we learnt alot about the history of the Korean people, their culture, food, practices, religion and generally how they came about becoming Korean.

Next, we headed off to the nearby 'old street' where we managed to purchase a lot of the souveniers that we wanted to take home to friends and family. I bought a nice teacup set and Juya citroen tea for my parents. Martin bought some nice korean chopsticks and spoon set for my folks..... thanks Martin!!

Next, more shopping... we headed to Grand Mart where Martin bought a ricecooker for his mum. The highlight of my shopping trip was the pets section of Grand Mart. It was a serious selection of exotic pets... lizards, chinchillas, tortises and my favourite - baby puffer fish!! wow!

Next off to get a feed - Chilie Crab korean style! OMG - if you wanted collogen injections and couldnt afford it, just have korean chilie crab or chilie potato cod stew... my lips werent only swelling by the end of it, but had turned a dark shade of scarlett.... talk about pouty lips!!!!

Back home to pack... and got sucked into The Matrix on korean cable again. Suckers!! Didnt get to bed at all, and it was time to head off to the airport at 6am. Unfortunately didnt get to have our Lotteria fried chicken for breakfast - we had gone into immigration before finding out it was outside!!!! DOH!!!!

I had a blast... but glad to get out from the cold to go to Singapore. Welcome 28degs!!! phew!

Last dinner in Seoul... Introducing Dragonball characters Blue Marty and Oldie Et!!

Last dinner in Seoul... Introducing Dragonball characters Blue Marty and Oldie Et!!

Tags: Shopping & sightseeing



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