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AdventurSpirit Travel memories fade fast if not recorded. This is an account of my travels - and adventure spirit...


There are [110] photos and [6] stories about Australia

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Gallery: 2007 Cairns

Tuesday, 6 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

Cairns with Martin and Julie
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Crystal Cascades

Monday, 5 Nov 2007 | Views [1908] | Comments [1]

Up at 9-ish today. Got stuck watching some documentary about the Miami drug lords on TV until almost 12. Got our stuff and grabbed some Maccas on the way to Crystal Cascades... Lost our way (coz this place was off the map) - apparantly it is the local's ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Quicksilver Pontoon

Sunday, 4 Nov 2007 | Views [1952]

Up at 7.45am - changed and ready to go! We're going to Quicksilver Pontoon!! Drove out of the hotel at ten past 8am, off we went to Port Douglas. An hour later, we pulled into Marina Mirage, after going slightly too far, backtracking and then doing a ... Read more >

Tags: Diving

Kuranda Skyrail

Saturday, 3 Nov 2007 | Views [1490]

Got up pretty early at 8.30am expecting to go pickup the car at 9am. Was dressed and waited for Vinny to turn over. It was not until 10am before we got dressed and went out. Martin and Julie were still asleep so we went to Hertz to pickup the car and ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Taka Cod Hole Liveaboard - 30 October to 2 November 2007

Friday, 2 Nov 2007 | Views [2301]

Up at 5.30am... sheese - what sort of holiday starts so early? At the airport by 6.30am for 7am flight to Cairns. Couldnt sleep on the plane so watched 'The Reaping' on the MacBook - lucky we got that, coz Jetstart didnt even give us earphones for ... Read more >

Tags: Diving

Gallery: General

Thursday, 1 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

Photos for Mainpages
See all 5 photos >>



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