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O Fim duma Viagem

It May Not be a Foreign Country, but it's Still a Trip

USA | Monday, 8 Jun 2015 | Views [202]

Whenever people asked me what my summer plans were, I had the choice of what to tell them. If I wanted to make it sound really interesting, I'd say I was going to Oxford to do research. If I wanted to make it sound moderately interesting I'd say I was ... Read more >

Tags: beginnings, math

What Would Galois Do?

USA | Wednesday, 3 Jun 2015 | Views [263]

Évariste Galois was a French mathematician. He was a mathematical genius and a terrible role model. Galois was born in 1811 in Bourg-la-Reine. In 1828, he attended the École Normale (he would have like to go to the École Polytechnique, ... Read more >

Tags: galois, maths, pre-departure, title


UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 12 Oct 2014 | Views [473]

Although there are exceptions, the times that I procrastinate the worst aren't the times I hate the task I need to do. However little I might like the topic of a paper I need to write, it's easier to sit down with a coffee and stumble through a first ... Read more >

Tags: airplanes, memories, stuffed animals

Edinburgh Fringe, Part 2: The Vengeance

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 25 Sep 2014 | Views [426]

On Friday morning we got up and went down the breakfast. Essentially, it was a blend between the typical Hilton breakfast and the breakfasts we'd been having all over Scotland. There was fresh fruit and muffins, but also potato scones, haggis, and ... Read more >

Tags: food, fringe, hilton, mars, shakespeare, tram

Surf From Coast to Coast (Really, drive along a single coast)

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 21 Sep 2014 | Views [481]

Our exit from the Best Western was the speediest par t of the day. Most of the rest of it consisted of driving leisurely along the coast, stopping whenever we saw something interesting. We only had two firm points of interest- St. Andrews because ... Read more >

Tags: castles, driving, hilton, hotel, lighthouse

Cookies and a Car: What More Could We Want? (Answer: A Hotel)

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 19 Sep 2014 | Views [513]

Since splitting up in Calandar, my sister and I had spent only marginally more hours in hotels than riding trains. My parents had left early and driven for a couple of hours only to find the ferry they'd been planning on (and had a reservation for) ... Read more >

Tags: change of plans, hotels, roundabouts

Dunnotar Castle: A Real Castle

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 15 Sep 2014 | Views [491]

My sister and I arrived at the Aberdeen train station a full hour early. Early enough to catch an earlier train to Stonehaven. A station attendant noticed us looking at the destination lists and asked us where we were going, then told us there was ... Read more >

Tags: car, castle, citadel, steps, walking

Aberdeen, or City Fatigue

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 3 Sep 2014 | Views [431]

There's a point in any whirlwind tour where the whirlwind becomes tiring. I don't want to wander around a city for a couple of hours as I try and figure out what makes it unique and special. I don't want to have to check out of a hotel in the morning ... Read more >

Tags: hot chocolate, statues, trains


UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 30 Aug 2014 | Views [572]

Depending on the source, Thurso is the northernmost town on the Scottish mainland. Sepcifically, if your source is Wikipedia or the signs around town, you will believe that. If your source is a map, it doesn't seem as likely. In any case, Thurso is ... Read more >

Tags: bagpipes, castle, food, knitting, sea

Victorian Castle with the Heart of an Ancient Keep

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 28 Aug 2014 | Views [603]

Between Invrness and Thurso, my sister and I wanted to stop at the impeccably Victorian Dunrobin Castle. As we were at the Inverness train station checking the boards and waiting for a platform to appear, we noticed that Dunrobin Caslte had an asterix ... Read more >

Tags: castle, falcons, oneill, train, train station


UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 | Views [622]

The train to Inverness was crowded. Extremely crowded. My sister and I spent most of the ride standing. There might have been other seats farther down in the train, but when we looked through the window to the next car, there were people standing ... Read more >

Tags: castle, clothing, food, train

Calandar to Stirling, Stirling to Perth

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 26 Aug 2014 | Views [548]

As we were leaving Edinburgh, the GPS that came n the rental car kept sending us on crazy routes, like down High Street, or in a lane for buses only. We ended up ignoring her and just heading west out of Edinburgh. Once we'd managed to get on a road ... Read more >

Tags: gps, musicals, train, train station

Edinburgh is to Theater as Glasgow is to Bagpipes

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 25 Aug 2014 | Views [371]

While we were in the area, my sister was interested in the World Pipe Band Championships. She plays bagpipes, and had also gotten a fair number of reactions of “What's in Scotland?” Attempts to explain the Fringe Festival usually fell ... Read more >

Tags: bagpipes, kindness of strangers

Victorian Vices

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 25 Aug 2014 | Views [392]

By Friday my sister and I were pretty much out of things we wanted to see at the Half-Price Hut, but my mother wasn't. She volunteered to stand in line and pick up some of her tickets, so if there was anything we wanted to see, we should mention it to ... Read more >

Tags: fliers, fringe, musicals, victorian vices, wilde

Themes for the Day: Baking Enemies into a Pie and Steampunk

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 24 Aug 2014 | Views [378]

Thursday began the same way so many disjointed days in our history of attending the Edinburgh Fringe have begun. We went to Shakespeare for Breakfast. Shakespeare for Breakfast is a consistently entertaining show featuring Shakespearean characters, ... Read more >

Tags: fringe, shakespeare, steampunk, victorian vices

We All Have Pictures Hidden Away

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 21 Aug 2014 | Views [356]

The first sign that The Picture of Dorian Gray wasn't going to be a normal show occurred when a tall man in Victorian dress gathered us together for the announcement that we'd get more out of the evening if we stood and participated, but if we needed ... Read more >

Tags: fringe, musicals, victorian vices, wilde

Show Fatigue

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 20 Aug 2014 | Views [330]

We began Wednesday with our newest friend- the Half Price Hut part of the Fringe app. No Belles was there, which my sister had expressed a strong interest in, seeing as it was a play about women in science and math. While we were standing in line, ... Read more >

Tags: fringe, musicals, shakespeare

Material Success

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 19 Aug 2014 | Views [399]

At 11:00 Monday night, my sister and father went to watch Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens. It was a two hour show featuring such songs as “All I Need is Disco” and “Glitter Boots Saved My Life.” I'd managed to convince my mother ... Read more >

Tags: cashmere, fringe, musicals, shakespeare, sweater, tickets, wilde

A Space Dogyssey

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 19 Aug 2014 | Views [434]

Monday morning, we checked the Half-Price Hut part of the Fringe app to see if they had more tickets that we wanted for sale. They did. So a bit before 10, we all set out- my parents to go grocery shopping, my sister and I to get more tickets.  ... Read more >

Tags: fliers, fringe, grocery, musicals, venues, wilde

Theater on a Rainy Day

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 17 Aug 2014 | Views [448]

I woke up to rain and the information that my family was going to the half-price hut to see if they could get tickets to shows. I was welcome to go with them, but if I wanted to take my time showering, eating breakfast, and drinking coffee, I could stay ... Read more >

Tags: fringe, musicals, referendum, scones, steampunk, tea, wilde

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